Vacation pet sitting, with love

Find loving, verified and reviewed pet people to care for your furry family members while you're away from home.

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Pets are happiest in the comfort of home - surrounded by all the sights, sounds, and smells they know and love (and vets agree).

Thanks to our global pet sitting community, it’s never been easier for pet parents like you to connect with like-minded pet people - and enjoy time away from home knowing your furry family members are safely snuggled (and cuddled) with a loving verified and reviewed in-home pet sitter.

"TrustedHousesitters is life-changing. Fabulous people from all over the world who come into your home and love your animals as if they were their own. What's not to love?" - Nicola, UK

Find your pet’s perfect companion in 4 simple steps:

Explore the community

Create your free account, explore our pet-loving community, and when you're ready, purchase your membership plan.

Review sitter applications

Create your listing, review your sitter applications, read reviews from other pet parents and decide who’s the best fit for your furry family.

Create a connection

Get chatting to the sitters who’ve applied, setting up phone and video calls to cover the bases and make sure you’re on the same page.

Make it official

Once you (and your pets) have found ‘the one’, you'll both need to make it official by clicking 'confirm' to secure your sit.

"Our sitters gave us a really great first experience"

"Our sitters, Julie and Jonathan, gave us a really great first experience. Once we had chatted on FaceTime, I felt confident about leaving my precious dog and our home in their care, and we continued to communicate regularly.”
- Sarah, pet parent from the UK

From perfect strangers to your pet’s new BFF

While our lovely members are already bonded by a shared love of pets and travel, they are of course strangers when they first meet. But as pet parent John and his sitters Peter and Debs explain, once they communicate and get to know each other, they don’t stay strangers for long...


What’s included in a TrustedHousesitters membership?

Pet parents

Unlimited vacation pet sitting and real companionship for your pets.

checkMore time, care and attention for pets

checkVerified and reviewed sitters

checkFree 24/7 vet line & sit cancellation insurance

checkMoney Back Promise

From $149 / year


Stay for free with adorable animals in unique homes around the world.

checkUnlimited house sits worldwide

checkUnique travel experiences, and thousands of homes & pets to call your own

checkAlerts for your ideal sits

checkSit cancellation insurance

From $129 / year


Want the best of both worlds? A Combined membership lets you do both.

checkUnlimited vacation pet sitting plus unlimited house sits as a sitter

checkFree 24/7 vet line

checkSit cancellation & pet care protection

From $209 / year

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Create your free account and connect with your pet’s perfect companion

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