Holiday rabbit sitting, with love

Find verified and reviewed rabbit sitters to love and care for your bunny while you’re away.

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Planning some time out but not sure what to do with your beloved bunny? We’ve got just what you need (loving pet care, that is). With your TrustedHousesitters membership, you can connect with bunny sitters passionate about pets so that your fluffy pal is hopping, skipping and jumping happily the whole time you’re on holiday.

“Excellently simple organisation to use for ensuring you get the right people to look after your house, garden and pets while you are away.”

Why choose a rabbit sitter?

Better for pet parents

Know your bunny is getting the love, care and attention they’re used to in the comfort of home and enjoy your time away free of worry.

Better for your bunnies

Bunnies are happier at home. Avoid rabbit hotels, rabbit boarding and all that’s in between with a verified sitter who can play, cuddle and provide lettuce all day.

Better for bunny sitters

Pet sitters for rabbits can travel to their heart’s desire while staying in unique homes and fulfilling their passion for bunnies.

How to find the right sitter for your rabbit

Get to know the community

Explore our pet-loving community with your free account and check out sitter profiles. Create your home and pet parent listing to get your journey started.

Join as a paid member

Once you’re ready, start your membership plan then add your listing and the dates you’re going on holiday.

Find your perfect rabbit sitter

Applications from verified pet sitters for rabbits will then start coming in! Choose whether they’re right for you by viewing their profile, pictures, and reviews.

Jet off with peace of mind

Take time to unwind without the worry - your bunny is being loved and cared for in the place they love the most: home.

10 years of happy pets, 90k+ happy members

Bunny sitters and pet parents have been connecting through us for a decade! That’s a whole lot of happy holidays, chilled-out homestays and at-ease lettuce munching.

What’s included in a TrustedHousesitters membership?


Unlimited vacation pet sitting and real companionship for your pets.

checkMore time, care and attention for pets

checkVerified and reviewed sitters

checkFree 24/7 vet line & sit cancellation insurance

checkMoney Back Promise

From ÂŁ119 / year


Stay for free with adorable animals in unique homes around the world.

checkUnlimited house sits worldwide

checkUnique travel experiences, and thousands of homes & pets to call your own

checkAlerts for your ideal sits

checkSit cancellation insurance

From ÂŁ99 / year


Want the best of both worlds? A Combined membership lets you do both.

checkUnlimited vacation pet sitting plus unlimited house sits as a sitter

checkFree 24/7 vet line

checkSit cancellation & pet care protection

From ÂŁ179 / year

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