
Excited to take care of your home & fur baby!

Austin, TX, US

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LinkedIn profile

My experience

10+ years

I have been taking care of pets since I was a child. I grew up with many animals and always helped care for them. As an adult I have helped care for friends' and clients' pets and homes and am most comfortable caring for cats and dogs. I

dogDogsdogSenior dogscatCatscatSenior cats
  • Jasmine

    rescue cat

    Owned in past

  • Calamari

    rescue cat

    Currently owns

  • Lola

    rescue cat

    Owned in past

Liana's social profiles

LinkedIn profile

References (3)


Cam Cheline

Liana looked after Cam Cheline’s pets & home

I’ve known Liana for over 5 years and knew early on two things. I better take my shoes off at the door and that she is very particular and likes things clean. But the first thing I learned is that she adores furry creatures and cares for hers and others more than anything. She will take good care of the things and little ones you love.




Reference from Liana’s friend

10 October 2023


Hi! My name is Liana. I've lived in Austin for close to 20 years after moving here for grad school. I owned a Pilates studio for over a decade, sold it a few years ago and am now a holistic psychotherapist. As an adult I've had 3 kitties

Why I want to house sit

I love traveling and prefer staying in Airbnb type places so when I found out about this site which combines another one of my biggest loves, animals, I was instantly interested!

Preferred countries

AfghanistanAland IslandsAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAndorra

Profile details
