Jennifer & Tod

This family of three is waiting to take the BEST care of your pets!

Boone, NC, US

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Our experience

10+ years

Hi--Jennifer, here! I've been taking care of pets for as long as I can remember, starting with my own hamsters and fish, then dogs and cats, then goats, rabbits, and pot-belly pigs! One of my more extensive pet/house-sitting experiences

dogDogsdogPuppiesdogSenior dogscatCatscatKittenscatSenior catsreptileReptileshorseHorsesfishFishpoultryPoultryfarmLivestockbirdBirdssmall-petsSmall petsAdministering medication

Jennifer & Tod's social profiles

LinkedIn profile


We are a family of three (mom, dad, and kiddo) living on a mini/hobby farm in the rural North Carolina (US) mountains. Outside of our day jobs (government attorney and social worker), we enjoy tending to our two dogs, three cats, rabbit

Why we want to house sit

As life-long pet owners, we understand the desire to keep your pets at home (rather than at a boarding facility) when you go on vacation. If we can relieve others of that stress while we are vacationing, it's a win-win! Your pets will be in

Preferred countries

United Kingdom

Profile details

Jennifer 38 and Tod 56
US Government Attorney - Department of Transportation and Human Services/Social Work Associate
With children