
Professional based in Notting Hill, London looking for sits globally

Notting Hill Gate, United Kingdom

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My experience

5 years

Used this service a few years ago to sit a dog in Bristol while the owners had a 3 week break in Australia. That's the only time here, but have sat friends dogs and previously had my own (Boxer and Lab)

dogDogscatCatsreptileReptileshorseHorsesfishFishpoultryPoultrybirdBirdssmall-petsSmall pets

David's social profiles

LinkedIn profile

References (2)



David looked after Sonia’s pets & home

On several occasions, David stayed at my place whilst I have been away looking after my place and my pets. He has also had my dog stay with him at his place. He is always a reliable, responsible person whom my cat and dog enjoy being with. He's always absolutely amazing with pets and both my cat and dog love him!




Home/pet sitting reference

23 July 2023


Hi, I'm keen to have a dog but don't think my location or professional lifestyle suit it right now and like to look after friends dogs to fill the gap. Looking at using this service again to meet some new canine friends and potentially

Why I want to house sit

Meet new canine friends, fill that gap I mentioned previously and to see some new places and cultures

Preferred countries

AfghanistanAland IslandsAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAndorra

Profile details

Innovation Trainer and Consultant, former military officer