Susan & John

Friendly and caring almost retired couple

Kendal, United Kingdom

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Our experience

10+ years

We have both had pets mainly cat, rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters and fish. We now are without pets after my beautiful rabbit died and have not replaced her as we are wanting to travel. I foster rabbits from the local charity and have

catCatscatSenior catsfishFishfarmLivestocksmall-petsSmall petsAdministering medication
  • James blond


    Cared for

  • Bonnie


    Owned in past

  • Hammie


    Owned in past

  • Charlie and daisy


    Cared for

  • Fred and ginger

    rescue pet

    Cared for

References (3)


Hannah burgess

Susan & John looked after Hannah burgess’s pets & home

Susan and John have been our preferred pet and house sitters for many years. They are 100% reliable and trustworthy and our house bunny loves them! John is very practical and has fixed things during the course of their stays including mending the rabbit hutch and fixing our back gate/dripping tap etc. They are both wonderful with our beloved rabbit and pick him fresh hedgerow treats every day and let him into the garden for his playtime. I cannot recommend them highly enough and hope to continue to use them as our preferred bunny/home sitters for many years to come.




Home/pet sitting reference

25 August 2023


We are a Middle Aged couple with two older teenage children living in the Lake District . We enjoy a busy life including helping with elderley parents and neighbours and supporting children at university . We are both handy around the home

Why we want to house sit

Our children are at university and find we have more time on our hands . We love travel and adventure in all parts of the uk and world. We enjoying learning about other people and their lives and pets .

Preferred countries

AfghanistanAland IslandsAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAndorra

Profile details

Susan 59 and John 64
Mother of two and Environmental Health Officer
With a partner