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Maïka & Gael

Reliable, organized and experienced with pets, we can't wait to meet yours :)

Lausanne, Switzerland

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Airbnb profile

Our experience

1 years

I've had a wonderful time caring for friends and family members pets. I integrated them in my routine and enjoyed spending time with them :)

dogDogsdogPuppiesdogSenior dogscatCatscatKittenscatSenior catsfishFishAdministering medication

Maïka & Gael's social profiles

Airbnb profile


Hi, We are two psychology students in their 20's studying at Lausanne University. We love traveling, outdoor activities, sports, a good book, cooking and last but not least, taking care/spending time with pets! We both already had some pets

Why we want to house sit

We hope to find a nice house sit with good company to make our stay a bit less expensive when visiting, and also to experience yourpart of the city a bit more as a local :)

Preferred countries


Profile details

Maïka 22 and Gael 22
Student and Student
With a partner