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Laura & Evan

2.5 animal lovers looking forward to meeting your little ones

La Tour-de-Peilz, Switzerland

checkEmail verified

checkPhone verified

checkID verified

check3 external references

LinkedIn profile

Our experience

10+ years

I grew up around pets. As a child we have two French poodles (both rescued pets) and two cats (also rescued). We travel the world with our pets and by the time I left home for my studies my parents adopted 3 cats and a parrot. I now live in

dogDogsdogPuppiesdogSenior dogscatCatscatKittenscatSenior catsAdministering medication
  • Gabby

    rescue dog

    Cared for

  • Tommy


    Owned in past

  • Texas

    golden retriever

    Cared for

  • Flerken

    rescue cat

    Cared for

  • Simba

    rescue cat

    Currently owns

  • Brunno

    rescue cat

    Currently owns

  • Annie

    rescue cat

    Cared for

Laura & Evan's social profiles

LinkedIn profile

References (3)


Pat Beaumont

Laura & Evan looked after Pat Beaumont’s pets & home

Laura is a caring animal lover who showed an intuitive understanding of the needs of my cat - who is a fussy princess. Laura is clean, tidy, organised and friendly and can be trusted to show consideration towards the home, pet parents and any animal in her care. I unequivocally support her application and know that you will be pleased with her excellent care as your trusted house and pet sitter.




Reference from Laura & Evan’s family member

09 February 2024


I’m Panamanian/Colombian living in Switzerland with my partner (British) and daughter (British/Panamanian). My partner and I worked full time but like to enjoy our weekends around nature and animals. We are teaching our daughter to love and

Why we want to house sit

We want to travel but relax with the company of a dog or cat. We also do not currently have a pet yourselves and would love our daughter interacting with pets.

Preferred countries


Profile details

Laura 35 and Evan 37
Finance business controller and Finance Operations controller
With children