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Maria del Mar

Experienced and passionate pet sitter from Spain

Alicante, Spain

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My experience

10+ years

I have taken care of pets my whole life. When family or friends go on holiday I volunteer to take care of them, both in my house or house sitting in the pet's place.

dogDogsdogPuppiesdogSenior dogscatCatscatKittenscatSenior catsreptileReptilesfishFishbirdBirdssmall-petsSmall petsAdministering medication
  • KURT


    Cared for


My name is María del Mar Chazarra. I am retired pharmacy assistant. I am an animal lover and I have a lot of experience pet sitting for family and friends. Our family used this platform in the past to find a house sit for our dogs but, now

Why I want to house sit

I would love to pet sit because I find it the perfect way to combine my two passions. Animals and Traveling.

Preferred countries

AfghanistanAland IslandsAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAndorra

Profile details

Retired Pharmacy assistant