Ronja & Gülin
Two friends looking for lovely pets to take care of
Our experience
Gülin has four cats of her own and has experience with dogs. Ronja occasionally sits other pets. In the past she has looked after cats, dogs, guinea pigs and chicken.
rescue cat
Cared for
References (1)
Ronja & Gülin looked after Pauline’s pets & home
I have met and befriended Ronja at University a couple of years ago. Since then she has taken really good care of my cat Nudl a couple of times when I have been out of town. She also watered my plants and made sure that my apartment was in good shape once I got back home.
Reference from Ronja & Gülin ’s friend
14 June 2024
Hello! We are two friends that are studying in Granada right now. Ronja is from Germany and studys art education and Gülin is from Turkey and studys fotography. We both love art, travelling and animals.
Why we want to house sit
We have both have pets in our home countries and we miss having them around us! We really wanted to see more places in the world, but as students we don´t have a lot of money. When we found this page we knew it was perfect for us!