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  7. Sibiu


I will give your pets the love and attention they deserve while you are away.

Sibiu, Romania

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Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile

My experience

I absolutely love dogs and I miss having a dog. I travel a lot and so petsitting is an opportunity for me to love on your dog while you are away! I have owned two dogs in my life, the second is a therapy dog that lives with my son in New

dogDogscatCatsbirdBirdssmall-petsSmall pets

Kristina's social profiles

Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile

References (2)


Michelle Sarkar

Kristina looked after Michelle Sarkar’s pets & home

Hi Kristina Just wanted to say how much we appreciated your love and attention to our house, furry pets and especially our 'oodle Satchmo. We were so relaxed on holiday as we knew our precious things were being cared for and appreciated. Thank you for washing our linen and for leaving the house in a tidy state - we wouldn't have known you had been here for a week! I was impressed that you didn't have any questions about our locking system or technology and you made yourself at home. All the best for your next adventures - our house is yours for when our diaries match next time. Satchy clearly adores you so I will definitely keep in touch and would love you to look after him and our house again. Arohanui Michelle




Home/pet sitting reference

02 June 2023


Hello, I am a "Digital Nomad" (meaning I can work anywhere in the world as long as there is decent internet - and also means I can be company to your pets throughout the day as I work from home) and I am from New Zealand. Professionally, I

Why I want to house sit

I love animals and would love to have my own dog (and have had dogs previously) but with the travel I do, that is not possible so I hope I can look after your's. I will give your pets the love and attention they deserve while you are away

Preferred countries


Profile details

Manager/Social Worker