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Juliette & Aubin

French couple slow traveling making pet friends on the way :)

Cebu City, Philippines

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Our experience

5 years

We are a couple. Juliette always had cats in her family home and rescued all the birds she could as a child. Aubin grew up with dogs and cats in his childhood. And then two years ago we rescued a mama dog who was pregnant. We took care of

dogDogsdogPuppiescatCatscatKittenscatSenior catsfishFishbirdBirdsAdministering medication
  • Paco

    rescue dog

    Currently owns

  • Vaga

    rescue dog

    Currently owns

  • Koda

    rescue dog

    Cared for

  • Baral

    rescue dog

    Cared for

  • Ninou

    rescue cat

    Owned in past

  • Koko

    rescue cat

    Owned in past


We are Juliette and Aubin, French couple from remote tropical Reunion Island. We are traveling in south east Asia and then Australia. We travel doing mainly woofing, doing work in exchange of food and/or accommodation. We chose to do this

Why we want to house sit

we wanted to travel on a long period, and spend maximum time in one place at a time. Being able to discover how people live in other places. We are both in love we nature and animals, love spending time with animals more than with humans

Preferred countries

AustraliaCambodiaFijiFrench PolynesiaIndonesiaJapan

Profile details

Juliette 28 and Aubin 28
Designer and Engineer
With a partner