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Dawn & Ronald Joseph

Outdoorsy, animal loving couple that loves to travel

Guadalajara, Mexico

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Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile

Our experience

Joe and I have lots of experience caring for the animals of family, friends and neighbors, including cats, dogs, chickens, horses, birds, reptiles, and more. In addition, we're conscientious homeowners who would treat your home with the

dogDogscatCatsreptileReptileshorseHorsesfishFishpoultryPoultrybirdBirdssmall-petsSmall pets

Dawn & Ronald Joseph's social profiles

Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile


We're a friendly, adventurous, globe-trotting couple with lots of experience caring for our own brood of animals and those we've be-friended along the way. We're excited to be transitioning into semi-retirement with time for travel and

Why we want to house sit

We love exploring new places and cultures, meeting new people, and making friends on our adventures. Joe and I have always been animal lovers and pet owners (dogs, cats, horses, reptiles and more), and believe that life is better when

Preferred countries

ArgentinaAustraliaBrazilChileColombiaCosta Rica

Profile details

Dawn 55 and Ronald Joseph 50
Director, Digital optimization and Sales manager
With a partner