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Kelvin & Emilie

Experienced, clean-freaks, young couple house-sitters while working remotely

Beau Bassin, Mauritius
1 Review

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Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile

Our experience

1 years

We've had one house-sitting experience thus far and it was amazing. It has been probably the best travel experience so far, taking care of a house in the outskirts of Geneva and 2 dogs, 10 and 14 years old, out of which one required

dogDogsdogPuppiescatCatscatSenior catsbirdBirdsAdministering medication

Kelvin & Emilie's social profiles

Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile

Reviews (1)


Kelvin and Emilie are the sweetest young couple ! They were very consciencious and very careful to do everything just like I had explained. My dogs were

  • dog
Chevry, France · 20 Dec 2018 - 06 Jan 2019

References (2)



Kelvin is a very responsible person. He will really take ownership of the task given to him. I've known him for 8 years and he has house sit my house before. He is clean and tidy and trustworthy. He will even take good care of my car when I go on holidays.

Character reference

12 June 2018


We are from the Paradise Island of Mauritius and we are currently looking into relocating to Canada soon (end of 2024). We are looking more towards relaxing pace, not having to rush or anything but simply to take pleasures in the small but

Why we want to house sit

We would want to house sit to experience a different and more laid back lifestyle and to add value in another way, like taking care of pets. We both love pets a lot and it would be our utmost pleasure to do so. We are also video makers and

Preferred countries


Profile details

Kelvin 33 and Emilie 33
Senior QA Specialist and French Teacher
With a partner