
Explorer of Peace and Quiet Caregiver

Yokosuka, Japan

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My experience

10+ years

As a pet owner myself, I had the opportunity to share my love for pets. Animals have a sense of compassion and the ability to know a person’s character. I admire and am grateful from all the special pets I have come across in my lifetime.

dogDogsdogPuppiesdogSenior dogscatCatscatKittenscatSenior catsreptileReptileshorseHorsesfishFishAdministering medication
  • Rae and Aci


    Cared for

  • Roscoe

    yorkshire terrier

    Cared for

  • Zues

    shih tzu

    Owned in past

  • Hera

    shih tzu

    Owned in past

  • Yinz


    Cared for

  • Ginger


    Cared for


I am a US Navy and Law Enforcement Veteran. I completely retired a few months back with the hope of finding peace and happiness throughout different experiences and cultures around the world. I love plants and animals of all types

Why I want to house sit

My reason to assist others in their absence is truly because I know how hard it is to trust someone during our absence. It may be because of traveling and or gone for military deployments. Being in the military and a first responder, I feel

Preferred countries

AfghanistanAland IslandsAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAndorra

Profile details

Military Veteran