Franz & Sofia
Animal lover and traveler
Our experience
1 years
We have experience taking care of pets for friends and family, including two Golden Retrievers and an Epagneul Picard hunting dog. We looked after these three dogs for several days, ensuring they were well cared for and happy…
golden retriever
Cared for
berger picard
Cared for
i don't know
Cared for
british shorthair
Cared for
Reviews (1)
Franz and Sofia are a delightful, interesting and charming couple. Clouseau was clearly very sad to see them go. They looked after her as if she was their…
We are Sofia and Franz and currently live together in Darmstadt. Sofia is studying industrial engineering and works at Siemens. I work at IBM as a sales representative. One of our great passions is traveling together. We love exploring new…
Why we want to house sit
We love traveling but also like to stay longer in one place. As we both grew up with pets, but there is no room for pets in our daily lives, this is a perfect match. We can travel to new countries and look after pets.