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I love to travel but even more I like spending time,playing or resting with pets

Zagreb, Croatia

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check2 external references

Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile

My experience

1 years

I have been taking care of few pets of my friends while they were traveling (in Zagreb, Croatia, and Pag, Croatia). My friend had a sick cat and I also was giving her medication everyday. During my lifetime, I had a bird (a crow), few dogs

dogDogsdogPuppiesdogSenior dogscatCatscatSenior catsbirdBirds

Klasja's social profiles

Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile

References (2)


Marija Vukšić

Klasja looked after Marija Vukšić’s pets & home

When my partner and I went on vacation during the summer, Klasja looked after our cat. The cat was ill at the time, and Klasja made sure to administer its medication daily at the same time, doing so with great diligence and care.




Home/pet sitting reference

29 May 2024


I’m an graphic designer and illustrator who loves art, nature, animals, new cities and new friends.

Why I want to house sit

Having a pet by my side is only a plus. Pets make unique company.

Preferred countries


Profile details

Graphic designer and illustrator