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Digital nomad petlover clean and tidy, responsible

Viña del Mar, Chile

checkEmail verified

checkPhone verified

checkID verified

check1 external reference

Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile

My experience

10+ years

I've taken care of pets without an app in the past for a Long time because I used to rescue animals when I was young, so I've taken care of family and friends pets with no issue in the past.

dogDogsdogPuppiesdogSenior dogscatCatscatKittenscatSenior catsAdministering medication
  • Olivia


    Cared for

  • Chofi


    Cared for

  • Illustration of a smiling dog


    rescue dog

    Owned in past

  • Poli

    rescue cat

    Cared for

  • Fortunita

    rescue cat

    Cared for

  • Snake

    rescue cat

    Owned in past

  • Mancito menso

    rescue cat

    Owned in past

  • Manchita

    rescue cat

    Cared for

  • Waka waka

    rescue cat

    Currently owns

  • Romantico

    rescue cat

    Cared for

Isabella's social profiles

Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile

References (1)



Isabella looked after Guillermina’s pets & home

Isabella took care of my little dog Reni. My dog ​​quickly gained confidence with her, she took care of taking him for a walk, playing with him, feeding him and accompanying him. Maintained my dog's hygiene very well. Reni became attached to Isabella, he is really going to miss her. I would definitely love for Isabella to take care of him again.




Home/pet sitting reference

11 March 2024


Hi, I'm a BIlingual digital nomad, I love animals and I have always been surrounded by them, specially by cats. I'm very quiet, clean and tidy and I spend about 7 hours working at the computer almost every day so I love being able to

Why I want to house sit

I want to do this because I love animals and travelling and I think thus is the best way to get to know the culture you're interested in, besides getting to help somebody who helps you backwards. I think is convenient for both sides.

Preferred countries


Profile details

English teacher online