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Caroline & Pauline

I'm a real pet lover. I know how to take care of them like a real mom.

Montréal, QC, Canada
1 Review

checkEmail verified

checkPhone verified

checkID verified

check2 external references

Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile

Our experience

10+ years

I am used to looking after healthy or unhealthy animals. I am able to give them their medicine for example. I have had several cats in my life and recently for 4 years, my cat, my baby, Matcha. I am use to take care of friend's and

dogDogsdogPuppiesdogSenior dogscatCatscatKittenscatSenior catsfishFishpoultryPoultrysmall-petsSmall petsAdministering medication
  • Simba


    Cared for

  • Tagada


    Owned in past

  • Garfield


    Owned in past

  • Angel


    Cared for

  • Matcha


    Currently owns

  • Ringo


    Cared for

  • Picorette

    lesser prairie-chicken

    Owned in past

Caroline & Pauline's social profiles

Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile

Reviews (1)


Caroline & Pauline were very easy to communicate with and agreed to a Facetime call prior to the sit to get to know each other and talk about my pets. They

  • cat
Long Beach, NY, US · 23 Dec - 26 Dec 2024

References (2)



Caroline & Pauline looked after Pauline’s pets & home

Caroline aime les animaux depuis toujours. Depuis petite elle est avec des animaux dans sa maison car ses parents sont eux même des amoureux des animaux. Elle est douce et considère les animaux comme des humains. Elle est toujours a leurs petits soins et les comprends mieux que personne. Elle est organisée elle a du goût et prends soin de son intérieur. On peut lui faire confiance les yeux fermés croyez moi.




Reference from Caroline & Pauline’s family member

06 November 2024


My name is Caroline, I’m 32. I’ve been living in Montreal for 6 years and I work in environmental communication. I am a sociable, jovial and trustworthy person. As you saw in the photos, I am a cat lover (it’s family, my brothers and

Why we want to house sit

I love travelling, discovering new places and pets, espacially cats. So it’s the perfect combination. I have had several cats in my life and recently for 4 years, my cat Matcha. I know how important it is to trust the person who comes to

Preferred countries

AfghanistanAland IslandsAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAndorra

Profile details

Caroline 33 and Pauline 35
Communications coordinator and education agent
With a partner