
Leave your home with confidence.

Montréal, QC, Canada

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My experience

3 years

In a previous relationship, my girlfriend and I where keeping dogs in our house for short time periods. This was a great experience and we had to groom them if necessary.

dogDogsdogPuppiesdogSenior dogscatKittensAdministering medication
  • Bear

    bouvier des flandres

    Owned in past


I am at retirement age but still active professionally. Over my work, I love to travel with my van. I am seeking sailing, hiking, biking and scuba diving experiences.

Why I want to house sit

Having previously lived with two bouviers des flandres and a few cats, I have a great attitude with pets in general. I might start my experience with cats only but I am sure to try dogs sometimes soon.

Preferred countries

CanadaUnited States

Profile details

First Aid Instructor and Security Officer