Lucille & Vince

Retired Travellers

Vegreville, AB, Canada

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Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile

Our experience

10+ years

As owners of our own home for 30+ years, we have a ton of home experience. My husband is also an Appliance Technician, fixing major appliances and owning his own business. During these 30 years, we raised 2 children, and had 3 dogs, all

dogDogsdogPuppiesdogSenior dogscatCatscatKittensfishFishAdministering medication
  • Mortie

    cocker spaniel

    Owned in past

Lucille & Vince's social profiles

Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile

References (1)



Lucille & Vince looked after Lisa’s home

Lucille is one of a kind. She is an incredibly caring and thoughtful individual with a strong sense of responsibility to do the right thing and get things done. We feel very lucky to have met Lucille and her husband Vince 4 years ago when they joined us as summer camp hosts at our campground. They have also taken on house sitting for us in the winter. I would not hesitate to have Lucille house-sit for us in the future and I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for the right fit.




Home/pet sitting reference

08 March 2025


We are a retired couple who live to travel. We live in our 40 foot RV, and want to see the country. We retired after COVID, and after losing our 14 year old Cocker Spaniel, Mortie, and miss him dearly. He was the 3rd Cocker we had along

Why we want to house sit

Our lifestyle is not conducive to owning a pet right now, so we thought, what better way to enjoy pets, than to help others travel while we take care of their pets. It is a win-win, as we get to have that feel good enjoyment of taking care

Preferred countries

AfghanistanAland IslandsAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAndorra

Profile details

Lucille 58 and Vince 60
Retired Performance Coach and Retired Appliance Repair Man
With a partner