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Lover of pets and nature. We exchange needs and everyone is happy.

Londrina, Brazil
2 Reviews

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check2 external references

Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile

My experience

10+ years

I have always had contact with neighbors, tutors, who love their pets, so we always help each other so that each one can travel and have their loved ones well cared for.

dogDogsdogPuppiesdogSenior dogscatCatscatKittenscatSenior catsfishFishbirdBirdssmall-petsSmall petsAdministering medication

Valdicéia's social profiles

Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile

Reviews (2)


Val is the perfect animal and house sitter! Val came to us at the last minute as we had sudden change of plans for our holidays. She stayed for more than

  • dog
  • cat
Verrières-le-Buisson, France · 01 Aug - 24 Aug 2024

Val was a delight to meet and then have stay in our home. She sent pictures and updates of Mimi and communicated her plans and arranegements very well. She

  • cat
Barcelona, Spain · 27 Jul - 29 Jul 2024

References (2)


Matha Ramirez

Valdicéia looked after Matha Ramirez’s pets & home

Valdiceia é minha vizinha faz 12 anos. Ela cuida da minha casa e eu da dela quando viajamos. É uma pessoa confiável e solidária, ao ponto dela ter chave da minha casa. Em alguns momentos já cuidou de maneira atenciosa e amorosa de meus pets.




Reference from Valdicéia’s neighbour

10 July 2024


Hi, my name is Valdicéia but everyone calls me Val. Artist with a background in art and education. I always had the company of cats and dogs. I believe that all forms of life are sacred and all deserve to be well cared for and respected.

Why I want to house sit

I am currently taking a sabbatical and it will be very helpful to be able to reduce accommodation costs. Traveling and being able to have the company of pets, who are someone's loves, taking care of and helping them, makes me give back to

Preferred countries


Profile details
