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Lizandra & Jeff

Responsible and careful brazilian couple ready to take care of your pets (:

Curitiba, Brazil

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check1 external reference


Our experience

10+ years

My first experience in taking care of a pet was with my family's first persa kitten, more than 10 years ago, through the years we got another persa and adopted 9 other cats. But I moved out and I don't live in the same city as my family

dogDogsdogPuppiesdogSenior dogscatCatscatKittenscatSenior catsbirdBirdsAdministering medication

References (1)



Lizandra & Jeff looked after Ana’s pets & home

Lizandra really loves pets, she’s a loving sitter, responsible in taking care of them and great at keeping the house clean. That time I was on a trip when my cat gave birth and Lizandra took care of her and of the five babies during and after the labor. Jeff also loves them and helps a lot with the hardwork. Both very reliable.




Character reference

20 February 2025


Usually pets like us and we love them all, but because we are digital nomads, now my fiancé and I don't have any pets of our own, and we both are very happy to have the opportunity to travel and take care of other people's pets. It's a

Why we want to house sit

As digital nomads we aren't able to have pets for now, and the opportunity to lower the cost of our traveling while taking care of pets is a double win situation for us.

Preferred countries


Profile details

Lizandra 28 and Jeff 29
focusing on personal projects
With a partner