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Chiara & Mickel

Experienced, caring animal lovers looking to cuddle with new furry friends :-)

Antwerpen, Belgium
1 Review

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check1 external reference

Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile

Our experience

10+ years

We are Chiara and Mickel, a couple of animal lovers from Belgium. It's no secret that we have a soft spot for anyone who likes to scratch, cuddle or play. Now, you may be wondering, what can you expect from us? We are responsible

dogDogsdogPuppiesdogSenior dogscatCatscatKittenscatSenior catsfishFishpoultryPoultrybirdBirdssmall-petsSmall petsAdministering medication
  • Milo

    golden retriever

    Currently owns

  • Illustration of a smiling dog


    greater swiss mountain dog

    Cared for

  • Illustration of a smiling dog


    bernese mountain dog

    Cared for

  • Illustration of a smiling dog


    ibizan hound

    Cared for

  • Illustration of a smiling cat


    maine coon

    Cared for

Chiara & Mickel's social profiles

Airbnb profile
LinkedIn profile

Reviews (1)


Great young couple. Very loving with our babies. Regular updates and pictures. Would definitely have them.over again!!!

  • dog
  • cat
l'Alfàs del Pi, Spain · 17 May - 21 May 2024

References (1)


Layla van der wal

Chiara & Mickel looked after Layla van der wal’s pets & home

Zorgt super goed voor de katjes! Elke keer dat ik iemand nodig heb, vraag ik het eerst aan haar of zij kan komen catsitten. Ze is heel enthousiast, vrolijk en het appartement blijft netjes en proper. Beveel haar zeker aan!




Reference from Chiara & Mickel’s friend

17 April 2024


Hi! :) I'm Chiara, a 28 year old Belgian woman who loves nature, animals, travel and adventures. I have just had a rough year because cancer came my way, I have seen the walls here a bit at home and am therefore very curious about the

Why we want to house sit

Why would I want to house fit? Because after a year of being ill, I am really looking forward to new environments, sometimes being away from home and this together with animals, an ideal combination! I consider this a great opportunity to

Preferred countries

AfghanistanAland IslandsAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAndorra

Profile details

Chiara 29 and Mickel 31
Copywriter - Plantyn and E&I Technology Specialist - Bayer
With a partner