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Nicole & Martin

Pet and travel lovers from Austria

Zell am See, Austria

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check1 external reference


Our experience

10+ years

I had a cat for many years, Martin used to have a dog in his family when he was younger. We have looked after the cats of my friends and working mates while they were on holiday a few times.

dogDogsdogSenior dogscatCatscatKittenscatSenior catsreptileReptilesfishFishbirdBirdssmall-petsSmall pets
  • Bacardi


    Owned in past

  • Rexy

    bearded dragon

    Currently owns

References (1)



Nicole & Martin looked after Marion’s pets & home

Thank You for Taking Such Great Care of My Cat Gizmo Dear Nici and Martin, I want to sincerely thank both of you for taking such loving and attentive care of my cat, Gizmo. It means the world to me to know that he was in such good hands while I was away. Your caring nature, patience, and the attention you gave to Gizmo are truly remarkable. It's not always easy to find someone who takes such genuine care of a pet, and I deeply appreciate the love and attention you gave him, beyond just food and care. I’m sure Gizmo has grown fond of you both, just as I have, and it’s such a comfort knowing he was in such capable hands. I look forward to counting on your help in the future as well. Once again, thank you so much for everything! You both are an amazing team, and Gizmo and I are very grateful to have you by our side.




Reference from Nicole & Martin’s family member

23 November 2024


Martin and I are a couple from Austria who love to travel and we really love pets! We used to have a cat called Bacardi for a long time, sadly he died to cancer with 16 years... Martin had a family dog when he was a child, so we know how to

Why we want to house sit

We love to travel and we love animals, so we thought it would be perfect to combine both and care about pets during holidays!

Preferred countries


Profile details

Nicole 27 and Martin 30
Receptionist and Croupier
With a partner