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Pet sitters in Springfield, QLD

A community of caring, background checked pet sitters keeping pets happy at home in return for a free place to stay.

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There are 2 dog, cat and pet sitters from Springfield, Queensland, Australia

Looking for house sits in Springfield?

We verify the ID & contact details of all sittersWe verify the ID & contact details of all sitters, for extra peace of mind

24 nearby pet and house sitters

Connect and share with confidence

An illustration of a happy person with a verified icon close to her avatarBackround checked sitters

All sitters in the US must complete our extensive background check before applying to sits.

An illustration of a speech balloon with five stars on itReferences and reviews

How do you choose from the pet sitters that apply? Start by reading their references and reviews left by other pet parents.

An illustration of stacked documentsHome & Contents Plan

Your home is covered during every sit, at no extra cost. After all, it’s unlikely you’ll need it — but it’s there if you do.

An illustration of three coins with paws in them

It means more without money

Pet sitters aren’t here to make money. All they ask for is a free place to stay, which means your only cost for unlimited pet care is an annual membership — it's that simple.

Find out more about memberships

How Springfield pet sitters can help you

An illustration of a path between green treesTravel in comfort

Enjoy your holiday with added peace of mind knowing your pets and home are well looked after.

An illustration of a cat laying on his pet bedSafe and happy pets

From dog walks to belly rubs, sitters keep your pets happy in the one place they feel truly relaxed — their own home.

An illustration of a glowing blue heartA win-win for everyone

With a community of sitters looking to stay with pets like yours, there's no need to ask friends or family for help.

Since joining, we’ve had the pleasure of hosting five fantastic sitters in our Swiss apartment. We’ve had paramount care for our furry friends and also met some fantastic people. All I can say is thank goodness we tried TrustedHousesitters!

Lyndsay and Kyran, pet parents from Switzerland

Our Money Back Promise

We know it can feel like a leap of faith to find a sitter for the first time. That’s why all our Standard and Premium memberships give youif you don’t find a sitter within two weeks of posting your first sit.

Ready to get started?

Join our worldwide community and start your membership today.

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Dog sitters in Springfield - FAQs

Make no doubt about it, finding reliable pet care for your canine pal can be pricey - but it doesn't have to be. While dog sitters in Springfield could easily set you back $90.00 per night, on TrustedHousesitters, it won’t cost you a cent. Your annual membership includes unlimited house and pet sitting stays for a whole year - that’s all your pets, all your vacations, all taken care of.

With thousands of pet sitters around the world, we’re certain we’ll be able to match you to a great dog sitter in Springfield. And, even if we don’t have a dog sitter in Springfield, the good news is our sitters love to visit new places and house sit away from home.

We sure think so! Dogs are happier in the comforts of home, in their regular routine - and that’s exactly where they’ll stay when you find them a trusted house sitter. Even vets agree that in-home boarding is the best alternative to dog boarding in Springfield and beyond.

Pet Sitters in Springfield, Queensland

Tired of searching for pet sitters in Springfield, Queensland? Well, we’ve got some paw-some news for you! Here’s the deal…

With our caring community of pet sitters in Springfield, you now have 24/7 access to caring sitters for every member of your furry (or feathered) family. Whether it’s your pooch pal or your backyard bunny, they’re in safe hands.

And here’s the best bit: It’s all part of your annual TrustedHousesitters membership. Forget about sky-high sitter fees or hassling friends for help — just reliable, loving fur baby care right at your fingertips. Talk about the ulti-mutt convenience!

Worried about kennels? No dramas! With just a few clicks, you can find the paw-fect Springfield dog sitter for your cute canine companion, making sure they get all the love, attention and belly rubs they need, right at home. It’s a win-win for everyone!

So, why wait? Get yourself year-round peace of mind by exploring our community of pet sitters in Springfield, Queensland, today.