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  7. An Olympic sit with a cat companion - Emma's story

An Olympic sit with a cat companion - Emma's story

TrustedHousesitters blog writer Lydia Paladina
Lydia Paladina
13 September 20244 min read

We all have our bucket list of places to see and things to do: Climb the Eiffel Tower, stay in a quintessential Parisian home, and spectate the Olympic Games in person. Pet sitter Emma managed to tick all three of these off her list when she found herself cat sitting in Paris during the 2024 Olympics. Wow!

Hang on, let’s rewind a bit! The Olympic Games, a Parisian paradise, and, of course, a wonderful cat companion to share it with. Let's find out how Emma managed to make this once-in-a-lifetime-trip, a reality...

“This has got to be one of my most memorable sits to date”

Making a dream a reality as a cat sitter

Emma isn’t new to pet sitting, in fact, this Parisian paradise cat sit was her 29th! As a freelance traveling writer, she’s been combining exploring and working since 2006. And, so, this led her to join TrustedHousesitters in 2022. 

“I started out with TrustedHousesitters as a dog person, but after a one-month house sit in Berlin with two cats, I fell in love! Most of my house sits these days are for cats – they provide a bit more freedom to come and go. But I’m open to making friends with any precious pet.”

She landed her first pet sit in the UK capital, London. Since then, she’s used her membership to explore the United Kingdom - from Truro to Edinburgh, Manchester to Belfast - and travel abroad to countries including Portugal and Austria. Having grown up with pets, run a travel-inspired beauty salon business for 12 years, worked as a stewardess of luxury superyachts, pet sitting has become her bread and butter!

“I’ve had so many wonderful experiences!I had a very special six-week sit in Vienna – I really bonded with the cat and it’s such a beautiful city to explore. I’ve been to Wales and Ireland for the first time.”

While each will hold a special place in her heart, unsurprisingly, her most recent sit in Paris, caring for beloved cat, Pixel during the 2024 Olympics certainly stands out.

“I got to congratulate athletes up close at Champions Park (and snag a few selfies!) and even watched Beach Volleyball under the Eiffel Tower on a sun-soaked morning. It's experiences like these that make me want to never stop pet sitting. Imagine the life I would have had if I continued to do this until I'm 70!”

We’ve been holding back our jealousy, but I think it’s time we hear more about this incredible experience… 

“Not only did I get to enjoy the cuddly company of Pixel in a beautiful Parisian home, but I also got to be in the city for the entire Olympic Games. I could not have asked for a more welcoming home and cat companion to share this experience of a lifetime.”

“There were so many iconic moments I'm so grateful I got to experience”

Come on, Emma, tell us more about your Olympic pet sitting adventure!

“There were so many iconic moments I'm so grateful I got to experience. From watching the opening ceremony in the pouring rain in a small Parisian square with hundreds of other dancing spectators to screaming my lungs out for Team GB with other Brits during the Triathlon.”

That sounds amazing!

“I'll never forget seeing the Olympic cauldron rise above the city, or all the incredible people I met, danced, celebrated and even cried with.”

In between the Olympic madness and celebrations, Emma also had the pleasure of basking in the company of the gorgeous Pixel:

“But you know what made it all perfect? Coming home to Pixel each day, having a cuddle and telling her about everything I'd seen.”

Not only was she able to enjoy the peace, quiet, and comfort of Pixel’s company, but she was also able to explore Paris at her own pace:

“That’s what I love about house sitting. It gives you the opportunity to settle down in one place for a longer period of time. There’s no need to rush. I had days where I just enjoyed the home and Pixel’s company and others where I spent hours celebrating the games. House sitting gave me the time to take it all in and experience it at a slower pace.”

Want to find your own Olympic adventure?

Emma, thank you so much for taking us along on this incredible journey! Do you have any final words?

“I could never be more thankful to TrustedHousesitters, Pixel, her owner Charlotte, and her family for making this possible.”

And we’re thankful you managed to have these amazing memories through the magic of pet sitting.

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Want to explore more? Find out how TrustedHousesitters helped to make a dream come true for Sam & Olivia (with a little help from their fur baby, Tilly).

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