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"TrustedHousesitters made it possible for us to have pets"

TrustedHousesitters blog Author - Sophie Reeve
Sophie Reeve
26 June 20245 min read

For Caroline (Caz) and her family, the idea of having a pet and continuing to enjoy their nomadic lifestyle seemed impossible. With a business to run, homeschooling duties, and a calendar packed with trips, a furry friend was totally out of the question. Or was it? 

After basing themselves in the city of Raleigh, North Carolina, Caz and her partner, Craig, were almost ready to cave into their kid’s non-stop pleas for a pet. They now had a stable home but traveling would still be a problem, and that was where TrustedHousesitters came in.

“I was looking for something that allowed me to balance my love of travel with my love of cats.”

It was time for TrustedHousesitters

They welcomed two furry felines named Ivy and Mavis into their family in 2022, and fell in love with them instantly. Even though the idea of leaving them behind was hard, they had a month-long trip around Europe coming up, so it was time to check out the pet sitting site they’d heard so much about.

“From my research, it seemed TrustedHousesitters was the most trustworthy, organized, supportive organization. Within weeks of joining, we had arranged for a pet sitter to come and take care of our cats. It was an incredible experience.”

Caz and her family were off to a great start. Their sitter grew up on a farm in Kentucky and had extensive pet care experience, so they knew their fur babies were in the best of hands. The family came back from their trip to a clean home and two very happy fluffies. 

But then things changed. 

“Our beloved Ivy passed away earlier this year, and it really broke our hearts. We decided to adopt another kitten named Peach so that Mavis would have a bit of company – and because we fell in love with her too!”

And so the house sitting adventures continued! 

Peach and Mavis looking utterly adorable

Soon enough, a trip to Wyoming was on the horizon and it was time to arrange pet care once again. But who would be up for a short 6-day stint in Raleigh? 

“I was going to ask our neighbors or hire a local pet sitter as I assumed no one would want to take on such a short house sit. But then Craig suggested using TrustedHousesitters again. ‘Why not give it a go?’ I thought”.

Since they were members already, posting their listing didn’t cost a thing, and Caz knew it was the best choice for Peach and Mavis. They could stick to their usual routine, enjoy round-the-clock care, and bask in the comforts of home. Plus, with someone there to keep an eye on them, they could even hang out on their beloved screened-in porch!

“Less than 30 minutes after posting the house sit, we received an application from the perfect sitter – a cat parent from Tennessee with a background in animal rescue. We had a quick phone call with her and the sit was confirmed by the end of the day.”

“TrustedHousesitters is a total win-win – it saves us money and gives us incredible peace of mind knowing a trusty cat lover is caring for our kitties all day long, not just swinging by to feed them at the end of the day.”

“TrustedHousesitters eased all our worries”

Leaving your furry family members at home with a stranger can be a tad nerve-wracking, but imagine how they’d feel being whisked away to an unfamiliar place with someone they’ve never met! That’s exactly why Caz loves TrustedHousesitters.

“We no longer have to take our cats to places they don’t know, leave them home alone, ask neighbors for favors, or even drag them along on trips they’d rather miss.”

Pets can enjoy constant care and companionship in the comfort of their own home, which helps to reduce anxiety for everyone involved. They have a friendly, pet-loving face to take care of them, give them their medication, feed them their favorite food, give them treats, take them for a walk, play with them, and even let them still sleep in your bed (if your pet sitter’s okay with that!).

“Not only do we receive photos and videos of Peach and Mavis every day, but if any problems arise, we know someone’s there to take care of them straight away. I know people who’ve struggled to find space in kennels and nearly had to cancel their vacations, but I never have to worry about that with TrustedHousesitters – I can find the perfect sitter in a matter of hours.”

The family can travel the world knowing their cats are in safe hands

On top of this, TrustedHousesitters verifies all sitters thoroughly by checking their ID, requesting references, and running background checks to ensure only the best for furry friends.

“It's an overwhelming concept to have a stranger come into your home to mind your beloved pet, but THS has so many safeguards, support, and processes in place to make it effortless for you.”

“Still not sure? The sitters’ profile and reviews will also tell the story,” Caz says.

Plus, the cost savings are endless!

“Traditional pet boarding can be really expensive, especially if you have several pets or you’re planning an extended trip. TrustedHousesitters offers an affordable alternative in exchange for free accommodation for the house sitter. All you have to cover is your annual membership fee and whatever your pet might need while you’re away – expenses you’d have regardless.”

“With one membership, all your pets are covered – from dogs and cats to chickens and horses. The membership usually pays for itself on your first trip, and after that, you can travel as much as you like for the rest of the year without any extra fees. Now that’s what I call the cat’s pajamas.”

“For pet parents who love to travel, it’s a total no brainer”

Having a TrustedHousesitters membership gives Caz and her family total peace of mind, meaning they can continue to travel knowing their beloved cats are well cared for.

“I felt nothing but safe, secure, and excited about our house sitting experience as pet parents. It’s the ideal pet care solution, and it means I don’t have to choose between my love of travel and my love for my cats. Everyone’s happy!”

With a quiet summer at home on the cards, the family has hopes of a trip in the Fall. One thing’s for sure – it won’t be too long until they’re looking for a sitter again! 

“TrustedHousesitters is by far my favorite travel resource since discovering the idea of a ‘working holiday’, and now it’s the first step in our travel planning process.”

Find out more about how Caz and Craig make their nomadic lifestyle work over on YTravelBlog or on Instagram

“Cobweb could sleep in her own bed and get to know the sitters”

Want to hear from other cat parents? Find out how easy it is for pet parents Tom and Chloe to find loving sitters for their adorable cat, Cobweb.

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