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  9. Why is my dog's stomach making noises?

Why is my dog's stomach making noises?

TrustedHousesitters blog writer Lydia Paladina
Lydia Paladina
03 July 20244 min read
a husky stood next to a gray couch while looking off to the left of the camera

Dogs often treat us to a variety of sounds, from barking to whining to even burping. But have you ever wondered ‘Why is my dog's stomach making noises’? Well, great question! Let’s digest some gut-churning facts about our four-legged friend's talkative tummies. Is it normal to hear your dog’s stomach making loud noises? Is there anything to be worried and when do you need to call your vet? Well, let’s serve up some answers and dig in…

Why is my dog's stomach making noises?: Normal, natural reasons

It’s your dog’s digestive system

The top reason is always the most obvious: If your dog’s stomach is gurgling it might simply just be digesting their dinner. This is especially common when pups are eating on an empty stomach and gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Do you feed your pup just after they’ve had their morning bathroom break? If so, their GI tract won’t have anything to muffle the normal stomach sounds of dog digestion.

Excessive gastric noises in dogs could be a sign of a sensitive stomach, in which case, talk to your vet, and see if they recommend any particular dog foods for sensitive tummies.

Swallowing gas

Does your doggo gulp their food down like it might be their last ever meal? Well, you’re not alone, many pups have this bad habit. In doing so, dippy dogs can end up swallowing gas or as they literally inhale their dinner. This can lead to stomach gurgling, bloating, and a few butt toots if you’re lucky!

Dietary indiscretions

Some pups are culinary connoisseurs who wish to sample the finest foods in all the land! This can sometimes include ingesting non-edible items - wood, clothing, prized antiques. While this shouldn’t be considered a ‘norm’ at home, it can be a sign they’ve bitten off more than they should chew. If you can hear your dog’s stomach making loud noises sure to check their favorite chew toys are all intact, along with any tasty-looking pieces of furniture.

Why is my dog's stomach making noises?: Possible medical issues

Upset stomach

An upset stomach can be caused by many different things - a tummy bug or virus that will sort itself out in a few days, a food intolerance, or even an allergic reaction. Often an upset stomach will be accompanied by symptoms like diarrhea, lethargy, lack of appetite, and vomiting. If this is all happening while your dog’s stomach is making loud noises, this could be the money maker.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

As the name suggests, this is an unpleasant disease that causes a pup’s GI tract (the last piece of their digestive system) to become inflamed and swell. This can create some rather loud and interesting noises along with diarrhea, weight loss, and dehydration. If you suspect your pup may have IBD, you must take them to their vet immediately.

Bacterial infections

Like a viral infection, bacterial infections can be picked up from pretty much anywhere. While some will pass through without a peep, others may make a bit more noise. Unwelcomed bacteria or parasites can create excess gas in your doggo’s tummy which will also add to the stomach symphony.

Bowel obstruction

This is also known as a foreign body in your dog’s digestive system. While it’s similar to dietary indiscretions this refers to larger things like bones, pieces of plastic, or an object. The foreign body can become trapped in your dog’s GI tract, leading to a noisy build-up of gas, as well as being very uncomfortable for your doggo. Take them straight to the vet if you think they may have eaten something causing a bowel obstruction. 

Stress and anxiety

Again, like us humans, a pup’s mental health can become a physical symptom. Distressed dogs can end up with an upset stomach. If your pup’s recently experienced a big new change or something traumatizing, this could be followed up with loud tummy noises. Stress in dogs can become serious to their physical health, so always reach out to their vet if you notice any behavior or body differences in your dog.

How can I help stop my dog’s stomach making loud noises?

Is it just us, or is that a weird sentence to say out loud? Well, hopefully, you won’t be talking about this too frequently, so let’s move on.

First off, make sure your pup has the right type of food for their tummy. Chat with their vet and let them know how they react to the different foods in their diet. It may be they have a slight intolerance to a particular ingredient or brand which is causing a rumble in their tum. 

Next, for those speed eaters, consider trying feeding them smaller more frequent meals. Using toys like lick mats or puzzle feeders can also help your doggo to slow down during feeding time.

Finally, keep an eye on where your dog is sticking their nose. While we can’t watch them every second of every day, be mindful of what falls on the floor while you’re cooking, where they wander to in the garden or on walks, and whether they have a habit of breaking into the trash.

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