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400+ unique cat names for your kitty companion

TrustedHousesitters blog author - Danielle Petch
Danielle Petch
01 June 20227 min read

Updated 2 Jan 2025

We reckon if you were to ask the nation’s kitties what they’d like to be called, they’d come up with nothing less than a list of pretty unique cat names

Well… actually, we’re pretty sure it’d be ‘Your Majesty’ or ‘Your Ruler’, or something equally as superior. Our point is, when it comes to naming your kitty, it’s important to pick a name that’s as just wonderful and one-of-a-kind as they are! And if we know anything about cats, we’re certain they’d want us - their staff - to spend HOURS of time, effort and consideration into their moniker. 

Lucky for you though if you're adopting a cat, we’ve done the hard work so you can jump straight on into our list of over 400 unusual cat names, that we’re purr-sitive your feline friend would approve of…

The most unique cat names

  • Albus
  • Freckles
  • Flora
  • Cobalt
  • Hermes
  • Jaden
  • Dash
  • Cinnamon
  • Jaffa
  • Knight
  • Ziggy
  • Houdini
  • Bentley
  • Jelly Bean
  • Karma
  • Galaxy
  • Dandelion
  • Ivan
  • Kimi
  • Catsby
  • Gravy
  • Fawkes
  • Ike
  • Diva
  • Jedi
  • Gouda
  • Jolene
  • Hector
  • Fergus (or Fergie)
  • Espresso
  • Chamomile
  • Miller
  • Dobey
  • Guinness
  • Mars
  • Ginger
  • Danger
  • Hazel
  • Figaro
  • Galileo
  • Hansel
  • Gretel
  • Matteo
  • Eggs
  • Burrito (or Purrito)
  • Doc
  • Oolong
  • Lightening
  • Elliott
  • Neapolitan
  • Mackerel
  • Nacho
  • Paisley
  • Sterling
  • Pebbles
  • Shelby
  • Mr. Tumnus
  • Eclipse
  • Sesame
  • Magnus
  • Pickles
  • Dali
  • Pistachio
  • Quest
  • Stormy
  • Ernest
  • Patch (or Patches)
  • Scratch
  • Sullivan (or Sully)
  • Oswald
  • Micki
  • Yo yo
  • Treacle
  • Ramsay
  • Scrabble
  • Zeus
  • Tootsie
  • Marshmallow
  • Quincy
  • Yoshi
  • Scotch
  • Cisco
  • Edie
  • Jupitor
  • Wasabi
  • Nola
  • Ginny (or Gin)
  • Puzzle
  • Wrigley
  • Sir/Lady Purr
  • Junior
  • Cosmo
  • Toffee
  • Rice
  • Marigold
  • Diego
  • Garfield
  • Sketch
  • Chowder
  • Rebel

And there we have it! 100 totally creative cat names for your one-of-a-kind feline. Some fun, some cute, and even some mystical cat names inspired by the likes of Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia - and ice cream! Looking for some more cute unique cat names for either your girl or boy kitty cat? We got you...

Unique male cat names

These unique male cat names are perfect for all those equally unique toms out there. From the Lion King to the Roman empire, if you’re looking for a strong moniker that better suits your boy cat, then try these on for size…

  1. Neville
  2. Tobias
  3. Marcel
  4. Grayson
  5. Cassius
  6. Mufasa
  7. Cedric
  8. Angus
  9. Bruce
  10. Caesar

Unique female cat names

If you need a name more befitting to a girl cat, these are just the ticket! Check out these unique female cat names - we bet you’ve never met a feline named these before (well, unless their pet parents have also read our article, of course!)

  1. Lady Grey
  2. Tallulah
  3. Bijou
  4. Mishka
  5. Delphi
  6. Bon Bon
  7. Lolly
  8. Cerys
  9. Lilah
  10. Mica (or Micah)

Unique unisex cat names

Not bothered about a gender-specific cat name? No drama! We got you. These unique unisex cat names are purr-fect for male or female kitties. They’re also timeless, so perfect whether you have an adult cat or kitten in your pack!

  1. Slippers 
  2. Wonton
  3. Snickers
  4. Aloha
  5. Beetle
  6. Cedar
  7. Boots
  8. Brambles
  9. Bumblebee
  10. Diamond

Related article: Unisex cat names

Unique Spanish names for cats (with translations)

  1. Selva (Jungle)
  2. Cerveza (Beer)
  3. Uvas (Grapes)
  4. Papas (Potato)
  5. Gitana (Gypsy)
  6. Santo (Holy)
  7. Largo/Larga (Short)
  8. Vivo (Alive)
  9. Fresas (Strawberries)
  10. Loco (Crazy)
  11. Toro (Bull)
  12. Diablo (Devil)
  13. Manzanas (Apple)
  14. Arroz (Rice)
  15. Rico/Rica (Delicious)
  16. Lento/Lenta (Slow)

Unique French names for cats 

Find a few French names for cats below with their meanings (not translations!).

  1. Aurélien (Golden)
  2. Hugo (Mind)
  3. Etienne (Crown)
  4. Victor (Conqueror)
  5. Amélie (Industrious)
  6. Olivier (Olive tree)
  7. Leon (Lion)
  8. Ophelie (Help)
  9. Lilou (Lily)
  10. Frostine (Snow)
  11. Beau (Handsome)
  12. Manon (Bitter)
  13. Alphonse (Ready for battle)
  14. René (Reborn)
  15. Fitzgerald (son of Gerald)

Unique blue-eyed cat names

  1. Dragon
  2. Ocean
  3. Earth
  4. Elderberry
  5. Jeans
  6. Kyanite
  7. Mermaid
  8. Neptune
  9. Aurora
  10. Borealis
  11. Cobalt
  12. Glacier
  13. Forget-Me-Not
  14. Cornflower
  15. Denim
  16. Teal
  17. Chalcedony
  18. Larimar
  19. Tanzanite
  20. Zircon
  21. Cleopatra
  22. Mozart
  23. Elvis
  24. Sinatra
  25. Yangtze
  26. Brienz
  27. Tahoe
  28. Aegean 
  29. Garda
  30. Peyto
  31. Loch
  32. Nile
  33. Caspian
  34. Zambezi
  35. Arctic
  36. Bunu (Akan for ‘blue’)
  37. Larama (Aymara for ‘blue’)
  38. Plava (Bosnian for ‘blue’)
  39. Azul (Galician for ‘blue’)
  40. Caeruleum (Latin for ‘blue’)
  41. Mavi (Turkish for ‘blue’)
  42. Kahurangi (Maori for ‘blue’)

Weird cat names

Much like beauty, ‘weird’ is in the eye of the beholder, but explore these weird and wonderful cat names if your kitty is a little unique!

  1. Twitcher
  2. Cheddar
  3. Nugget
  4. Dinosaur
  5. Purrito
  6. Bogie
  7. Bubbles
  8. Thunder
  9. Maude
  10. Patience
  11. Dexter
  12. Cannellini
  13. Nessie
  14. Dennis
  15. Soba
  16. Bacon
  17. Toast
  18. Hurricane
  19. Plum
  20. Frodo
  21. Yeti
  22. Tugboat
  23. Julius
  24. Bubba
  25. Meaty
  26. Poem
  27. Atom
  28. Bourbon
  29. Alfred
  30. Derek
  31. Ragnar
  32. Doris
  33. Chorizo
  34. Vinnie
  35. Shelley
  36. Hugh
  37. Fisher

Unique cat names inspired by food

  1. Tater Tot
  2. Pickle
  3. Pancake
  4. Cheeseball
  5. Sushi Roll
  6. Churro
  7. Bologna
  8. Gumbo
  9. Cheeto
  10. Sourdough
  11. Quinoa
  12. Boba
  13. Macaroni
  14. Wasabi
  15. Peanut Wigglebutt
  16. Nugget
  17. Spaghetti
  18. Muffin Top
  19. Cornbread
  20. Waffles McButterpants
  21. Meatball
  22. Kimchi

Weird, very random and unique cat names 

  1. Captain Fuzpaws
  2. Miss Wigglebutt
  3. Lord Sniffsnout
  4. Piddlesworthy
  5. Lady Barkington I
  6. Chonky McChonkface
  7. Blorb
  8. Flapjack McSnuffles
  9. Goobert
  10. Zigzagoodle
  11. Toaster
  12. Paperclip
  13. Lampy
  14. Dust Bunny
  15. Fridge
  16. Squeegee
  17. Sprocket
  18. Pillow
  19. Banjo
  20. Plunger
  21. Snarglefluff
  22. Zorp
  23. Wizbang
  24. Xylo
  25. Froglorp
  26. Fluffy McFlufferson
  27. Stump
  28. Leafbert
  29. Rocksniffer
  30. Twinkltoes
  31. Dirtbeard
  32. Barky McTreeface
  33. Mudpie
  34. Twiglet
  35. Pebble
  36. Scrunchie
  37. Flibberfluff
  38. Wagglesworth
  39. Ziggy Smalls
  40. Squeakimus Maximus
  41. Giblet
  42. Doodlebug
  43. Farticus
  44. Mrs Purrs
  45. Wobblebutt
  46. Gigglesnort
  47. Boogernoodle
  48. Professor Wiggles
  49. Head of Purring
  50. Mr Meowington
  51. Sir Purralot
  52. Detective Sniffle
  53. Mrs Snuffles
  54. Dr. Pawstein
  55. Admiral Flufface
  56. Major Purrington
  57. Barrister Furrypaws
  58. Fork
  59. Squiggle
  60. Broomstick
  61. Shoelace
  62. Velcro
  63. Tupperware
  64. Button
  65. Lint Roller
  66. Toothbrush
  67. Yarnball
  68. Little Miss Pink Nose
  69. Stapler
  70. Catzilla
  71. Meowadon
  72. Platypaw
  73. Snailor Swift
  74. Octopuss
  75. Furcules
  76. Meowzart
  77. Fluffcheeks Khan
  78. Mr Floof McFloof Tail
  79. Sherlock Bones
  80. Purrlock Holmes
  81. Newton Paws
  82. Einstein Fluffington
  83. Meowcules
  84. Fermicat
  85. Sir Meowalot
  86. Sirius Floof

Unique Maine Coon cat names

  1. Baymax
  2. Jafar
  3. Gaston
  4. Odin
  5. Godzilla
  6. Galactus
  7. Maleficent
  8. Moana
  9. BFG
  10. Peach
  11. Giganta
  12. Juggernaut
  13. Colossus
  14. Lank (Afrikaans for ‘tall’)
  15. Baland (Uzbek for ‘tall’)
  16. Jangkung (Sundanese for ‘tall’)
  17. Grouss (Luxembourgish for ‘tall’)
  18. Tinggi (Indonesian for ‘tall’)
  19. Ard (Irish for ‘tall’)
  20. Div (Bosnian for ‘giant’)
  21. Higante (Cebuano for ‘giant’)
  22. Chimphona (Chichewa for ‘giant’)
  23. Divovski (Croatian for ‘giant’)
  24. Naggwano (Ganda for ‘giant’)
  25. Kato (Hausa for ‘giant’)
  26. Raksasa (Indonesian for ‘giant’)
  27. Fathach (Irish for ‘giant’)

Unique names for striped cats

  1. Teacloth
  2. Breton
  3. Shirt
  4. Flag
  5. Barcode
  6. Skunk
  7. Runway
  8. Peppermint
  9. Candy
  10. Crosswalk
  11. Tartan
  12. Kilt
  13. Hyena
  14. Bass
  15. Fret
  16. Damselfish
  17. Zebra

Our top tips for naming your cat

We know what you’re thinking… whatever you call your kitty, they’re probably not going to respond to it anyway, right? While that may be true, we've delved into the nitty gritty of all things kitty (names, that is), and exploring some of the do’s and don’ts when it comes to naming your feline friend. And to make sure our tips are nothing short of the cat’s pyjamas, we consulted the experts for their top advice. 

The kitty naming science

According to the kitty experts, cats respond better to some sounds than others. Cats have evolved to hear high-pitched sounds better than low-frequency sounds. That’s why names that have high-pitched sounds (such as ‘Fluffy’ or ‘Cookie’) tend to go down well with our feline pals. Don't fret if you've already bestowed your kitty with a low-frequency name - all is not lost! Adding an upward inflection at the end of the name can still get your kitty's attention. If all else fails and your kitty still fails to acknowledge your existence (been there…), we reckon a good old fashioned ‘pss pss pss’ might do the trick!

Secondly, it’s best to keep things simple. Choose a name with two syllables or less to avoid confusing your kitty. Similarly, avoid any names that sound similar to a friend or family member. 

Next up, consider your kitty's personality or appearance. Look at their colouring or markings (Tigger for a tabby cat, Shadow or Smokey for black cats - you get the idea). Or pick a name based on their unique personality (we particularly love the name Houdini, especially for all those four-pawed escape artists out there…). Once you spend a couple of hours or days in each other’s company, we’re certain their name will come to you in no time!

Lastly - be creative! We’re sure you didn’t search for unique cat names to come away with a Luna or Bella (don't get us wrong - we LOVE those names - but they’re not the most unique). So, think outside the box (while your kitty will be sitting inside it, no doubt) and pick your cat's name with their wonderful, one-of-a-kind personality in mind!  

Where to find unique cat names

While the lists could go on, there are a few places you could be looking for names that suit your new feline family member.

  1. Food. Whether it’s miso, noodle or potato, choosing a food-related cat name can bring a touch of humor to your sometimes serious (yet often comical) kitty.
  2. Famous people. From historic figures to celebs walking the red carpets of today, there are never-ending names to choose from when it comes to the rich and famous!
  3. Fictional characters. If there’s a favorite character from your childhood or a film you’ve seen recently that you think somehow represents your feline friend, give it a whirl as a unique cat name.
  4. Adjectives. Maybe your new furry family member has a specific personality trait or skill that you’d love to highlight through their name.
  5. Physical features. Does your feline have a unique eye color or markings on their fur? These are always a great place to start when it comes to finding a name unique to your cat.
  6. Different languages. Sometimes choosing a unique cat name in a language other than English can help to widen the horizons. It’s especially meaningful if the language you choose is connected to your roots, or your feline’s.

For even more inspiration, check out these cute cat names, purr-use our kitten name list or check out these British pet names for help naming the new furry bundle of joy in your life! And if you have even more great suggestions, why not come and share them over on our Community Forum?

There we have it! Over 400 cat names to suit the most unique of felines! Now that you’ve (hopefully!) got a perfect name for your new perfect pal, why not check out more useful tips from the Trusted Team, including how to litter train your kitten, or our complete guide to pet insurance. 

Much like choosing a cat or kitten name, finding cat sitters you can trust can be tricky. Luckily, our cat-loving community makes it a whole lot easier! Browse thousands of verified and reviewed sitters and find the perfect sitter to keep your kitty purring happily at home the next time you’re away. New to TrustedHousesitters? Find out more about how it works here! 

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