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How do cats choose who to sleep with?

TrustedHousesitters blog Author - Sophie Reeve
Sophie Reeve
23 August 20244 min read

Our furry felines are true sleeping beauties, clocking 12 to 18 hours of kip each day. They usually like to catch their ZZZs somewhere that feels safe and warm, meaning the spot next to you might look just perfect for them.

We’re lifting the covers on how cats choose who to sleep with and what it means if you’re the chosen one. Why do cats sleep with you? Let’s find out.

My cat sleeps next to me: What does this mean? 

Wondering “Why does my cat sleep with me?”? Here are some of the reasons your kitty likes to curl up by your side:

  • They love you: If you’re the one showering your furry friend with affection 24/7, they’re more likely to return the favor by snuggling up with you.
  • They’re seeking warmth: Cats are notorious for seeking out the warmest, snuggliest spots, and where’s better than your bed? Snuggling under the covers with their favorite person is the coziest place to be. 
  • They feel safe: Your cat sees you as their protector. Their natural instinct is to be near someone they trust, especially when they’re most vulnerable – like during sleep.
  • You smell like home: Your scent is comforting and familiar to your cat. 
  • You provide for them: With pets, feeling safe and secure often has lots to do with who feeds them – this might be why they gravitate towards you.
  • You ‘get’ them: You know all their quirks, likes, and dislikes, and that understanding makes them feel reassured and understood.

Do cats sleep with their favorite person? 

Yes, in most households, there’s usually one person who holds the title of “favorite human”. If your cat consistently chooses you as their sleep buddy, it’s a clear sign that you’re the top pick among the family members. This special bond grows from the daily love, attention, and trust you share with your cat, making you their favorite person to snuggle up with.

Why do cats like to sleep with their owners?

According to the American Pet Products Association, a whopping 62% of cats choose to sleep with their pet parents. Why? The list of reasons above about “Why do cats sleep with you?” kind of answers this one. Cat owners provide their favorite furries with everything they need to feel safe and secure, so it’s no wonder they want to be close to them when they sleep.

Pros and cons of sleeping with cats

Sleeping with your cat can be a lovely, bonding experience, but it’s not without its ups and downs. Here are some things to consider:


  • Lower stress: Snuggling with a purring cat can reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Soothing sounds: The gentle sound of your furry friend’s breathing can be incredibly relaxing, helping you drift off to sleep.
  • Bonding time: Sleeping together strengthens your bond and brings you closer.
  • Warmth: Your purr pal is like a fluffy little hot water bottle.
  • Companionship: Cats can help ward off feelings of loneliness.


  • Interrupted sleep: Cats are crepuscular, meaning they’re most active at dawn and dusk. This might not align very well with your sleep pattern.
  • Allergies: Cat fur and dander can trigger allergies or worsen asthma.
  • Parasites: There’s a risk of picking up fleas or other parasites from your kitty cat.
  • Health risks: You could be exposed to any diseases your cat might carry.

How to get your cat to sleep with you

If you’re dreaming of sharing your bed with your kitty but you’re not a part of their sleeping habit yet, there are ways to encourage them. Start by spending more quality time with your cat – playtime, extra cuddles, and lots of attention will help strengthen your bond. Cats like to sleep with the person they know best, and the more you connect, the more they’ll want to stick close to you.

You can also make your bed extra inviting to get your cat snuggly. Use soft, warm blankets that your furry feline already loves, or place their favorite blanket in your bed to tempt them in. Creating positive associations with your bed by giving them treats or playing with them there can also help. Over time, your bed might just become their preferred sleeping spot!

If your cat sleeps next to you, consider it the highest compliment. You’re their chosen one, their source of comfort, and their favorite place to be. But don’t worry if they don’t sleep with you – it doesn’t mean they don’t like you! Your fluffy sleepyhead might just be more comfortable doing their own thing.

And if you ever need to be away, getting an in-home cat sitter can help keep your kitty feeling secure and loved, even when you’re not around. Their sitter will be there to keep them company in the place they know best – right at home – to make sure they stay happy and stress-free while you’re gone.

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