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  9. Top 10 must-have dog training tools

Top 10 must-have dog training tools

TrustedHousesitters blog writer Lydia Paladina
Lydia Paladina
14 September 20243 min read
a Jack Russell being walked with a red long leash, harness, and a ring chew toy in an Autumnal park

A trained dog is a happy dog. It helps them learn good behaviors from bad, makes your life as a canine carer easier, reduces their anxiety (and yours), and provides them with important mental stimulation. But what are the must-have dog training tools every pup parent should need? We’ve outlined the top 10 tools and dog training essentials to make sure you’re as prepared as possible to your dog some new tricks. 

10 must-have dog training tools

1. Retractable leashes

Sounds obvious, we know, but this is a dog training essential. For puppies or newly adopted adult dogs, retractable leashes help you as their carer to remain in control and allow them to explore slowly. Similarly, if you know your doggo is triggered by other people or dogs, these leashes help to keep your pup near you.

2. Long leash

These can be retractable leashes or just long leads, it’s up to you. But a long leash offers some extra freedom for your pooch if they have to remain on a lead. They’re great for beach walks and hikes and are excellent for practicing recall training.

3. Treat pouch

Pups will probably tell you this is the most im-paw-tant of all their dog training stuff, and they wouldn’t be wrong. Dogs thrive on positive reinforcement and the more you can reward good behavior, the quicker they are to learn. Find a treat pouch that is easy to carry (many clips around the waist) but also relatively discreet. Oh, and make sure they’re definitely dog-proof!

4. Tasty training treats

And what will you keep in your magic treat pouch? Yummy doggo snacks, of course! These can be store-bought snackies or home-prepped treats, basically whatever instantly catches your dog’s attention. If you’re starting out with dog training, try to use snacks that are low in fat and calories that don’t interfere too much with their daily diet.

5. Clicker training tool

The clicker is a must for all hearing dogs! Training your dog to associate commands or recall with a click sound can save you a lot of time and energy. Let them learn that this sound means they need to do something and they’ll be rewarded if they do it.

6. Flat collar or harness

Keeping your pup secure as well as comfortable during their training is equally as important. A flat collar or harness (whichever your dog prefers) is ideal for outdoor training time. If they suddenly need to be grabbed or picked up, these accessories will allow you to do so safely and with as little harm to your dog as possible.

7. Books by professional dog trainers

Who better to help you and your pup along your training journey than tips from the training professionals themselves! Whether it’s deciding how to train your dog, learning simple and easy techniques to repeat at home, or just some reassuring words of wisdom, having at least one professional dog trainer book in your library can make a big difference.

8. Target stick

The nifty target stick is great for teaching your dog how to stay on target while on walks (like where to heel and to stop them walking you), or as a tool for trick training (spins, lie down, jumps). Some even come as a combined clicker training tool too, and can often come as a retractable stick making it easy to store or bring on walks.

9. Dog crate

Your dog’s crate will always be an important feature of their home life. Whatever type of crate you decide on, these act as essential for potty training (at any age), for discipline, and also create a safe space for your pup to hang out after a long day of being a dog.

10. Chew toys

Preferably ones that also dispense treats, or that you can hide treats inside of. Chew toys can be offered as another reward or positive reinforcement. Not only is it fun for them, but chew toys can also be a comfort during things like anxiety training. Try to have one to hand on walks or where you might encounter stressful situations.

For more tips and tricks on dog training, check out our beginner's guide for training puppies to find out where to start when they’re at their smallest. Otherwise, head to our Community Forum - connect with other canine carers and pet lovers, swap wisdom and reassurance to spread the love for our favorite furry friends.

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