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Dog personality test: What dog are you?

TrustedHousesitters blog Author - Sophie Reeve
Sophie Reeve
19 August 20243 min read

Ever wondered which dog breed matches your personality? Whether you’re a laid-back homebody or an energetic go-getter, our dog personality test is here to reveal your inner canine. Perfect for pet parents deciding on a new furry friend or dog sitters curious about which pups they’ll vibe with, this “What dog are you?” quiz is your guide to finding out where you fit in the pack.

Your dog personality test

Answer each question in our dog personality quiz and keep track of the numbers you choose. At the end, add up your scores to discover which dog breed matches your personality the best!

1. How do you like to start the day? 

  1. Slow and steady, with a long, leisurely breakfast.
  2. With a shot of espresso and a pep in my step, I’m ready to conquer the day!
  3. Morning cuddles with my favorites followed by a walk to dust off the cobwebs.
  4. An early run or workout to get my blood pumping.

2. What’s your exercise style?

  1. Why move when the sofa is so comfy? Lounging > lunges any day.
  2. A short walk around the block is all I need, especially if it’s chilly.
  3. I love getting out and about with my friends and family – the more the merrier. 
  4. Anything active and fast-paced – I’m always up for a challenge. 

3. What do you do at parties? 

  1. I prefer sticking with the people I know. 
  2. I keep an eye on the action while making sure everyone knows I’m here.
  3. I’m a social butterfly, mingling with anyone and everyone. 
  4. I’m in the middle of the dance floor showing off my moves.

4. How do you like to spend your social time?

  1. Small, intimate hangouts with close friends are my jam.
  2. I love meeting new people and making connections.
  3. Big group gatherings are where I thrive.
  4. What’s better than organized fun with everyone involved? 

5. Something goes bump in the night – what do you do? 

  1. Grab my stuff and make a run (or walk) for it – better safe than sorry. 
  2. Freeze and listen out for more sounds – I need to figure out what’s going on.
  3. Send someone else to check it out while I stay safe.
  4. Charge in headfirst, ready to face whatever’s there.

6. What’s your ideal weekend activity? 

  1. Chilling at home with a good book or movie.
  2. Popping to my local coffee shop then mooching around some boutiques.
  3. Hosting a dinner party with friends.
  4. A full-on day out, packed with adventure and fun.

7. Which vacation sounds most appealing to you?

  1. A relaxing retreat where I can unwind and take it easy.
  2. A quick city break that’s not too strenuous on the legs.
  3. A road trip with all my favorite people.
  4. An action-packed expedition to the great outdoors.

8. How do your friends describe you?

  1. Laid-back and friendly.
  2. Small but mighty.
  3. Loyal and loving. 
  4. A go-getter always up for an adventure.

9. What’s your dream home like?

  1. A cozy cottage with plenty of spots to lounge.
  2. A chic apartment in the city.
  3. A spacious home perfect for entertaining.
  4. A farmhouse with acres of land to explore.

10. How do you handle stressful situations?

  1. I stay calm and take my time to figure things out.
  2. I might get jittery, but I’m always ready for anything.
  3. I try to keep everyone around me calm and positive.
  4. I jump into action, ready to solve the problem.

So, what dog breed are you? The results are in!

Mostly 1’s: The Basset Hound 

You’re laid-back, loyal, and you love the simple pleasures in life. Just like the Basset Hound, you enjoy taking things slow, and while you may not be the first to jump into action, you’re always there when it counts.

Mostly 2’s: Chihuahua

You may be small, but you make sure your presence is known wherever you go. Like a Chihuahua, you thrive in bustling environments and love meeting new people, even if you sometimes prefer to keep things short and sweet.

Mostly 3’s: Golden Retriever  

Friendly, loyal, and the ultimate people-person, you’re the Golden Retriever of your friendship group! You’re happiest when surrounded by your loved ones, and you’re the one who makes sure everyone’s having a great time wherever you are.

Mostly 4’s: Border Collie 

You’re a whirlwind of energy and enthusiasm, always on the move and ready for action. Like a Border Collie, you’re driven, focused, and you love a good challenge. Life is an adventure, and you’re ready to tackle it head-on.

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