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Do cats like music?

TrustedHousesitters blog author - Danielle Petch
Danielle Petch
03 October 20244 min read
Cat likes music

Many of us enjoy listening to music, whether it's on the radio or dancing to our favorite album. But have you ever wondered what kind of music do cats like? Do our feline friends enjoy music as much as we do? Let’s explore what sounds cats like, how music affects their mood, and how you can use it to help your cat feel more comfortable at home.

Key takeaways:

  • Cats have much more sensitive hearing than humans.
  • Most cats prefer quiet, gentle music or species-specific music designed for them.
  • Music or white noise can help calm cats, especially during loud or stressful events like fireworks.

Can cats hear music?

Absolutely! Cats can hear music, and in fact, their hearing is much stronger than ours. This means that they can pick up on sounds we might not even notice, including subtle differences in music. However, because of their sensitive hearing, cats are more prone to discomfort with loud tracks, especially ones with heavy bass. So while cats can hear music, they may not always appreciate the same genres that we do.

Do cats enjoy music?

It’s hard to say definitively whether cats enjoy music the way humans do, as they can’t tell us themselves. However, a study from the University of Wisconsin, published in the Applied Animal Behaviour Science journal, found that cats respond more positively to music specifically designed for their hearing range. Other studies and observations from cat lovers suggest that certain types of music can be calming for felines. On the other hand, many cats will leave the room if the music is too loud or dissonant.

The best way to find out what your cat likes is to slowly introduce different types of music and pay attention to their reactions. They'll show you they like the music if they're purring and playful. But if your cat appears stressed, turns their ears back, or leaves the room, it might be time to change the playlist or enjoy some quiet time together.

What music do cats like?

Because of their sensitive hearing, cats tend to prefer softer, more relaxing music. Classical music for cats, jazz, or human music with gentle, repetitive melodies are the best types to start with. Loud music genres, like rock or heavy bass-driven electronic music, are often too overwhelming for their delicate ears.

Interestingly, research has even led to the creation of cat-specific music - a genre designed just for them! Developed by David Teie and based on feline sounds like purring or nursing, species-specific music mimics familiar sounds to help calm and soothe cats. If you're curious, you can look up some of this specially designed-music to see how your cat reacts.

Do cats like jazz?

While we can't say for sure that all cats like jazz, its calm, smooth rhythms should appeal to most felines. The repeating patterns and gentle flow of jazz can be soothing, making it a good genre to try if you're introducing your cat to music. Just avoid tracks with sudden changes or dissonant notes, which may startle your cat.

Is classical music good for cats?

Yes, many cats enjoy classical music, as it's often calm and free from the sudden, jarring sounds that might stress them out. The soothing melodies of classical compositions can help your feline friend relax and unwind. But just like with jazz, be mindful of the tracks you choose, avoiding anything too intense or with abrupt transitions.

Do cats like singing?

Some cats might enjoy the sound of your voice when you sing, seeing it as a form of communication. In fact, some cats even try to "sing along" with their owners! However, not all cats like singing, and some may find it too loud or overwhelming. If your cat seems to shy away from your singing, don’t take it personally - they’re just showing their preference for quieter sounds!

Do cats like white noise?

White noise or relaxation tracks can be very beneficial for cats. Since it lacks sudden changes or heavy bass, white noise helps mask stressful sounds like fireworks or loud conversations. Many cat owners find that a gentle background of white noise helps their cat feel calm and safe in their environment.

Is music beneficial to cats?

The type of music you play can have a significant effect on your cat’s stress levels. Loud or aggressive music might increase anxiety, while gentle tunes or species-specific music can help calm and relax your cat. Music can have benefits such as:

  • Decreasing stress behaviors.
  • Encouraging sleep and relaxation.
  • Masking stressful noises like fireworks.
  • Helping build stronger bonds between you and your cat.

How to introduce your cat to music

If you want to make your cat a music aficionado, start by playing soft, gentle music at a low volume. Their hearing is much more sensitive than ours, so keep the volume down. Gradually introduce different types of music and pay attention to how your feline friend reacts. Once they seem comfortable, you can slowly broaden the genres you listen to together.

Is it bad to leave a cat in silence?

Most cats are perfectly fine with silence, as they’re used to spending time alone. However, if your cat suffers from separation anxiety, leaving soft music or white noise on can be helpful to keep them calm. If your cat shows signs of stress when left alone, like meowing excessively or acting destructively, try leaving on calming music when you're out.

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Do cats like music? FAQs

Yes, cats have excellent hearing and can pick up on sounds at frequencies much higher than humans. This means they’re highly sensitive to noise, including subtle sounds in music, so be sure to only play soft and gentle tunes around them and avoid music that is too loud or dissonant.

While cats may not "understand" music the way humans do, they can recognize familiar sounds and may respond to the calming effects of certain types of music, especially those designed specifically for them, like species-specific music.

Yes, certain types of music, especially soft classical music, species-specific music, or white noise, can help calm cats down. These tunes can help reduce anxiety, mask loud noises, and create a relaxing environment for your feline friend.

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