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  7. The feline five: Types of cat personalities

The feline five: Types of cat personalities

TrustedHousesitters blog writer Lydia Paladina
Lydia Paladina
05 August 20244 min read
a tabby cat lying on its back on a yellow blanket while having its neck and tummy stroked

What makes our floofy felines so charismatic? The cat brain and cat personalities are a few of life’s great mysteries, a medical marvel we humans may never unravel. However, recent studies have been able to deduce an easier way to determine types of cat personalities.

Why? Well, because it’s towards our kitty's well-being and health. By understanding which paw-sonalitiy your feline friend is most like, you can begin to learn more about how to make them as comfortable as possible. Simple!

Of course, cats being cats, don’t exclusively fit into one particular box from a basic cat personality test. Cats change depending on their environment and as they age. But, for the here and now, it’s still useful to know a bit more about what’s going inside those furry brains. 

So, enough meowing, let’s find out what the different cat personalities are, what they mean, and how you can best interact and care for your kitty with this type of cat-titude.

What are the different types of cat personalities?

Okay, it’s important to be upfront about this from the get-go - there are many different cat personalities, yes, and this will hugely depend on who you talk to or what you read. Some claim all cat personalities are unique, which is true, but many lean more into a particular cat-itutde than others. A few Internet sources state there are only 4 cat personalities, similar to the human Myres Brigg’s test.

But, after pawing through plenty of research, we believe there are 5 different cat personalities which almost all kitties fall into. These are:

  • Human cat
  • Dominant cat
  • Inquisitive cat
  • Hunter cat
  • Cantankerous cat

Let’s explain these in a little more detail…

The 5 different cat personalities explained

Human cat

As the name suggests, these cats were born to be around their humans 24/7. They are affectionate, cuddly, and always looking to grab our attention in one way or another. Depending on their breed, they can be quite vocal towards you and will be happiest to spend time either next to you or on you. They’re a human’s furry shadow who will insist on sharing your bed with you. Basically, they’re the kitty version of a velcro dog!

Dominant cat

Well, aren’t these cat personalities aptly named? The dominant cat is, well, dominant. They rule the roost, all your possessions belong to them, and no other cat (or pet) will stand in their way. A dominant cat in a multi-cat household will be the troublemaker and often seen as a bully. First to eat, first for attention, first to use the litterbox, these kitties have the most cat cat-titude around.

Inquisitive cat

Curiosity killing the cat is not a statement we like or believe to be true, and those who know an inquisitive cat will probably feel the same. These kitties love to spend time investigating new smells and are easily distracted by new sights and sounds. Pet parents or cat carers of an inquisitive cat must make sure they have plenty of toys to keep them entertained and happy. Otherwise, they may turn their attention to furniture or prized possessions.

Hunter cat

Born to be wild, the hunter cat simply cannot shake off those natural instincts to pounce. Like the inquisitive cat, you can easily grab their attention by swishing a toy or throwing something that rustles. Indoor hunter kitties, will often randomly pounce on inanimate objects, as well as feet, hair, hands, or anything that could be potential prey. 

To prevent outdoor hunters from murdering the local wildlife, keep plenty of toys around them at home and be sure to have designated play time with them each day. Tiring them out with 5 to 10 minutes of prey play could save you from receiving any deceased gifts later. 

Cantankerous cat

Often mistaken as anxious kitties, the cantankerous cat (which sounds like a character from a Dr Suess book) is the most aloof (afloof) of cat personalities. These felines are not one for physical affection or attention, instead, they prefer to love you from afar. They have strict boundaries of personal space, are the most resistant to change, and are forever on the lookout. That doesn’t mean they won’t appreciate a chin scratch every now and again, though!

By the way, if you’re keen to learn more from a feline behavioral and welfare expert, we recommend you read Dr. Lauren Finka’s book ‘The Cat Personality Test’. Dr Finka is a specialist in all things cat brain and her book is brilliant.

What do you think? Have we missed any other types of cat personalities? Or do you have a cat that perhaps embodies all cat personalities? Well, let us know via our Community Forum - you don’t have to be a member to join in the cat chat, just a fellow pet lover. But, if you’re keen to become a full-time part of our global pet-loving community, check out our different membership plans, see which one suits you best, and hopefully we’ll be seeing you again very soon.

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