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  9. Are toads poisonous to dogs?

Are toads poisonous to dogs?

Dr Hannah Godfrey BVetMed MRCV
27 March 20255 min read
a dog leaning forward to sniff a toad sitting on a moss covered log

Your dog probably encounters plenty of wildlife during their lifetime when out on walks, but should you be concerned about risks? In this article, we’ll answer ‘Are toads poisonous to dogs?’ and share everything you need to know about toads and dogs!

Key points:

  1. Toads can cause severe symptoms in dogs, especially the Cane toad and Colorado River toad, found in the US.
  2. Symptoms of toad poisoning include foaming at the mouth, pawing at the face, breathing distress, and seizures.
  3. If you think your dog has toad poisoning, flush their mouth out immediately with lots of running water.

Are toads poisonous to dogs?

If you walk your dog in an area where you see toads regularly, you might have wondered ‘Are toads toxic to dogs?’ and unfortunately, the answer is yes, they are. Toads produce a toxin that is found on their skin. Toad poisoning, which is also known as toad toxicosis, occurs if your dog licks a poisonous toad, or the toad toxin gets into your dog’s mouth, another way, for example, if you leave their food, water, or toys outside.

How to identify a poisonous toad

So, you know that some toads are poisonous to dogs, but what about where you live? Are toads dangerous to dogs in your area? And if so, what toads are poisonous to dogs? It’s best to get your dog checked by a vet if you know they’ve come into contact with any toad, but let’s find out which are dangerous toads. 

Are American toads poisonous to dogs? 

In America, poisonous toads to dogs include the Cane toad and the Colorado River toad (Sonoran Desert toad). Cane toads have a large triangular poison gland on each shoulder, a darker red/brown back and a lighter yellow/tan underside. Colorado River toads are much larger and have a large poison gland behind each eye.

Are UK toads poisonous for dogs?

In the UK, common toads are poisonous to dogs. However, they rarely cause as severe symptoms as toads found in the US.

Symptoms of toad poisoning in dogs

If your dog licks a poisonous toad, clinical signs may include:

  • Foaming at the mouth
  • Drooling
  • Vomiting/retching
  • Pawing at the face
  • Head shaking
  • Reddened gums
  • Abnormal eye movement
  • Weak legs
  • Dilated pupils
  • Shortness of breath
  • Muscle spasms
  • Irregular heartbeat (Cardiac arrhythmias)
  • Collapse
  • Tremors
  • Seizures
  • Death

My dog ate a toad, what do I do?

Now that we know that toads are poisonous to dogs, it’s clear that the answer to ‘Can dogs eat toads?’ is no. But if your dog is a scavenger and regularly eats or plays with things that they shouldn’t, you might be wondering how bad it is if they do eat one. Are toads seriously harmful to dogs?

Unfortunately, severe poisoning can be fatal, so it’s really important to act fast if your dog has come into contact with a toad, or if they have symptoms like drooling and pawing at their face during or immediately after being outside. Here’s what to do:

  1. First, rinse your pet’s mouth out to try to remove as much of the toad poison as possible. (Always keep their head down to reduce the risk of aspiration).
  2. Next, (or if there is another person available, get them to do it while you’re doing the first step) call the vet and let them know you need an emergency appointment.
  3. Make sure that you rinse all areas that have been in contact with the toads, including their paws, eyes, nose, and mouth.

How is toad poisoning in dogs diagnosed?

Unfortunately, there’s no specific test for toad poisoning. Therefore, vets can usually only make a firm diagnosis if you’ve seen your dog lick or eat a toad, tadpoles, or frogspawn. However, if you live in an area where poisonous toads are known to be and your dog is showing the typical symptoms, your vet will give the necessary treatment.

Treatment of toad poisoning in dogs

Treating toad poisoning involves removing toad toxin, which is best done immediately if you know that your dog has been in contact with a toad. Further treatment will depend on your dog’s condition and symptoms. For example, pain relief, anti-sickness medication, anticonvulsants or medication to restore your dog’s heart rhythm could be needed.

Recovery and management

Depending on the severity of your dog’s symptoms and how quickly you’re able to flush the toxin from their mouth, your dog could make a full recovery. But how long does toad poisoning last in dogs if they receive the right treatment quickly? Well, thankfully, most dogs are back to normal within 12 hours of exposure.

Prevention of toad poisoning in dogs

Since there’s no specific test or treatment for toad poisoning in dogs, prevention is much better than cure. Here’s what you can do to try to keep your dog safe:

Don’t allow your dog to chase or play with small creatures

Dogs and toads don’t mix! Encouraging your dog to hunt or play with small creatures will make it more likely that they do the same when they see a toad.

Don’t keep your dog outside unsupervised

This is especially important if you have seen toads in your yard or have water features or natural water sources near your home.

Don’t leave your dog’s food and water outside

If you leave your dog’s food or water outside, toads could come into contact with them, and leave behind toxins from their skin.

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Meet our veterinary expert, Hannah

This article has been checked by veterinarian Dr Hannah Godfrey BVetMed MRCV.

Hannah graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 2011 and worked in mixed practice for a few years before focusing on small animal work. Clinically, she worked in a busy, multi-center hospital practice until 2018, where she underwent training in advanced canine and feline dentistry and began working towards a Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice. She then moved to a local independent practice to care for the pets nearby, allowing more time to focus on other career avenues, which include writing for a diverse range of pet websites, vet practices, drug companies, journals, and veterinary educators. 

Are toads poisonous to dogs? FAQs

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