The dog days of summer are in full swing over in the Northern Hemisphere, which means this Community Forum round-up’s hot off the press! As usual, our members have been chit-chatting away about all things house sitting, pets, and travel. We’ve had hot topics from solo female travelers to naming kids (trust us, it’s not what you think!), so without further ado, let’s dive into what our lovely Forum members have stirred up!
Trending posts
Purr-use some of the top blogs our members have been loving this month- Top male dog names for your new furry friendGot a new furry family member in your pack? Check…
- Top female dog names for your new fluffy palWelcoming a new pooch into your family? Explore…
- 250+ gray cat names your silver feline will loveRecently welcomed a fluffy gray bundle of joy into…
- What are normal pet sitting rates?Discover the average pet sitting rates for animals…
- Unique dog names to stand out from the packDare to be different with our list of the best…
Topic of the month
It’s been an exciting month for solo woman travelers like @MissChef, who shared with us the secret to enjoying a bit of “me-time”.
“I started my TH journey solo because I needed space and alone time during COVID. My husband joins me sometimes… But I still prefer to go it alone for some (oxymoronically) no-responsibilities time. The care and feeding of animals, who don’t have an opinion of where to get dinner when I don’t want to cook, is a welcome respite.” - @MissChef
We like the sound of that, @MissChef! This sparked a conversation with other solo female travelers, who shared their stories, safety tips, and travel essentials with other members. If you’re a solo female traveler yourself, we’d love to hear from you!
Category of the month
Sharing is caring, and our Forum members seem to agree! In fact, they love using the Sitters Questions, Advice & Chat channel so much that we’ve crowned it “category of the month”! Whether on their first sit or their 51st, sitters around the world connect on the Forum to look for help and advice, discussing everything from “What if there’s an emergency and I need to take the pet to the local vet?” to re-opening the conversation on sitter’s age.
There was also lots of discussion about the responsibilities and expectations of sitters. @Cleeflang was particularly grateful for the advice received….
“**Thanks to everyone who gave me feedback. I couldn’t agree more with everyone that says that communication and clear expectation setting is the absolute most important aspect in house/pet sitting.” - @Cleeflang
We might not have the answers to everything, but if you’ve got questions about house sitting, our Forum’s a great place to start!
Finally, we want to say a huge congrats to @IHeartAnimals, a family of 5 that has just confirmed their first international sit!
We’re so excited for you!
A family of five confirms their first sit! Image credit: @IHeartAnimals
Contributor of the month
Round of appaws, please!
We want to say a big thank you to @Maggie8K, who has made a huge impact on the Community Forum since joining in March this year. As well as her thoughtful contributions and helpful advice, as a solo female traveler, she’s totally on brand for this month’s Forum round-up!
Quote of the month
New sitter member @Victory only joined last month and already has 2 sits under her belt (both with 5* reviews, might we add!). With 2 more sits to look forward to, she and her little girl are in high demand!
“Y’all I firstly want to say how I love this community. In my short 2 weeks I’m making such amazing connections with people I probably would’ve never crossed paths with” - @Victory
It seems the feeling was mutual, here’s what pet parents had to say about her…
“Sebani is the BEST! [...] I hope she is available every time I need to leave town.” - Melissa
Now that’s what we’d call a victory, @Victory!
@Victory and her little girl making furry friends!
Photo of the month
Hold your horses, because house sitting isn’t the only thing @Victory has got well and truly stuck into! She’ll soon be claiming the title of “goat namer” too - no kidding!
“I’ve been given the honor of naming two baby goats (boys) that were born on a sit I’ll be going to. Names are so hard for me lol, I didn’t name my daughter until the very end. Name suggestions?” - @Victory
@Victory claims the title of professional goat namer!
Of course, our fabulous Forum members jumped at the task and came up with some great ideas for the duo - we thought Vincent van Goat and Goya the Goat had a special ring to them!
What else have the community been discussing?
Who’s on a house sit now?
@Julie-Moderator returned to a house sit in Waltham Abbey, Essex, to take care of Milo and the family’s newest addition, Max.
“I just spent 2 weeks in Waltham Abbey watching these two cuties, Milo & Max. We spent every day at the park playing fetch, their favorite. I watched Milo last summer, but this was my first time sitting for Max, their newest addition [...] The two weeks flew by, can’t wait to see where my next sitting adventure takes me!” - @Julie-Moderator
@Julie-Moderator with Milo and Max!
Meanwhile, @Twitcher was having a whale of a time with four-legged friend “Havoc” (by name but hopefully not by nature!).
“Taking care of Havoc in Dorset - a 2 year old bundle of energy and general cuddle monster. No, he doesn’t live up to his name ” - @Twitcher
Luckily, Havoc doesn't live up to his name! Image credit: @Twitcher
And sitter member @MarieHuggins showed us a short sit can still be sweet…
“Last day of sit. It’s only been a short 3 day one, but I’m going to miss this precious boy and all our adventures. I always bond so quickly 🩷” - @MarieHuggins
With a face like that, we can see how you fell for your new furry friend, @MarieHuggins!
In our fun stuff category, members were pondering the question “What if we lived here?”.
“I wonder how many of us arrive at a city or town and try to imagine what life would be like if you lived there.” - @CharitySitters
And finally, @barbara.wood777 asked for advice from other members about what to do when a pet you’ve cared for dies.
“I typically send as compassionate a response as possible plus several of the photos I’ve taken of the pet. But I’m curious if any sitters out there have other suggestions or offerings of things you do when you learn of a favorite temporary pet’s passing. Thanks in advance.” - @barbara.wood777
Of course, our community chimed in heartfelt responses, suggesting photo collages and stuffed toys in memory of the many pet pals who have left pawprints on our hearts forever.
Related article: Community forum: May round-up
Have you joined the Forum yet?
That’s all for now! We hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Forum round-up as much as we have!
If you want to get involved in the conversation, our friendly Forum members would love to hear from you! Whether you’re seeking expert advice, sharing your own unique tips, or looking to chat about house sitting, travel, pets, or all three, why not join the Forum today?!