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What are farm sitting rates?

TrustedHousesitters blog writer Lydia Paladina
Lydia Paladina
19 May 20243 min read
a man with a gray beard and green cap on stroking the face of a black cow which has its face resting on his chest

Farm sitters aren’t given enough credit. It’s a tough gig to run a farm as it is, but when the responsibility of someone else's business is on your shoulders, the pressure is on. So, how much should you pay for professional farm sitting and what’s the going rate of a farm sitter? Let’s stride through the logistics of farm sitting to understand the average cost of a paid pet sitter when dealing with farm animals. 

What are farm sitters?

It’s important to spell this out before we run through the costs. Farm sitters are experienced professionals whose job is to maintain and run your farm when you need to be away. Their chores include everything from daily feeding, watering, mucking out, enrichment, check-ups, and security checks. Farm sitting duties can also include milking, egg collecting, or sheering, depending on their training or previous farm-related adventures.

A farm sitter knows they’ll be expected to do more than a cat or dog sitter - it’s a physically demanding day job where experience is almost always mandatory.

What’s the average rate for a farm sitter?

So, the average cost of a small-scale farm which would require only one farm sitter to conduct full-time care, you’ll be looking at about $75 to $100 a day (£70-100 or €80-120). This price will depend on your location, how accessible you are to the farm sitter (if they’re not staying onsite), and how much is required each day. For example, a bovine flock might be a bit more straightforward than a combination of farm animals.

Of course, if you become a TrustedHousesittes member, you won’t have to pay anything! Our verified farm sitters are part of your plan, so no extra costs are needed. Speaking of extra costs…

While some farm sitters will include all animals and chores within their daily rate, others may add on additional costs for extra cleaning jobs, grooming, or handling of more than a certain number of livestock, horses, or goats. For cleaning, like hosing down stables, farm sitters may add on an extra $10 / £10 a day. Grooming might be at an additional cost of $20 / £15 a day or per animal, and some might charge another $10 or $5 (£10 or £5) per farm animal.

It’ll completely depend on the company, your location, and the type of farm you have. A pet parent with a few goats in your garden probably won’t have to pay more than their base rate, while a person with several horses, sheep, and chickens on acres of land with (understandably) pay more for the service.

Ever heard of TrustedHousesitters? Even before you decide to join our pet loving community, you can begin your search for farm sitters near you at no cost. Once you’ve realized how great we are, you’ll choose and pay for an annual membership to become part of our community. As a member, you’ll have unlimited access to all of our trusted, verified sitters who can specify if they have farm sitting experience.

Farm sitters will have further details on their profile about the types of animals they’ve cared for, external references from other farmers, and past reviews from previous sits. This can help you decide who could be right for your farm even before you’ve contacted them.

When you’ve selected a sitter, set your upcoming farm sitter up for success by offering a training day and welcome pack to make sure they’re as prepared as possible. It’s just as important for them to meet the animals as it is to meet you - familiarity can help reduce stress in the farm family and also help settle your sitter in before you leave. Leave with peace of mind knowing you’ve left your farm in capable, trustworthy hands.

Whether you’re a full-time farmer or a pet parent with a flock of feathery, furry friends, have a look at which of our trusted sitters are located nearest to you. Not sure if TrustedHousesitters is right for you and your farm? Head to our Community Forum to connect with other farm animal advocates and ask them how farm sitting with us went for them.

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